b'FOGHORN FOCUSDiesel 468 vessels82.11% of vesselsOther 488.42%35Fuel Type Biodiesel 4.39%Gasoline 172.98%8Dieselelec 1.40%4Electric 0.70%050100150200250300350400450500550Count of Fuel TypeFigure 2. Count and percentage of vessels using each fuel type as reported in the 2022 NCFO. of services offered by operators in the 2022 NCFO. Note,a median of 94 percent of their revenue coming from ticket operators can have more than one operational purpose, sosales. About a third of operators indicated they received the percentages will sum to more than 100 percent. Thestate funding and of those, the state funding provided a 2022NCFOreports122operatorswhohaveprovidedmedian of 53 percent of their funding/revenue. Besides the details on the services offered with commuter transit (68other funding category, the percentage of funding from percent)andtransportationforpleasure/recreation(60the state had the largest variance.percent) as the two most common purposes for ferry trips.VESSELS AND FUEL TYPESFUNDING Vessels in the NCFO can carry passengers, vehicles, and/Ferry operators receive funding from a variety of sources in- or freight. Of those that provided this information, 99 per-cluding public funds, private contracts, advertising, and tick- cent carried passengers, 44 percent carried vehicles, and 19 et sales. Of the 91 operators that provided revenue informa- percent carried freight. Approximately 52 percent of ves-tion to the 2022 NCFO, the majority (69 percent) reportedsels carried exclusively passengers while 29 percent carried CHART: BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICSthat at least part of their revenue came from ticket sales. Thepassengers and vehicles and 13 percent carried both plus second-most reported type of funding was private contractfreight cargo. About 0.6 percent carried only vehicles and revenue with 40 percent of operators reporting this type ofonly freight. revenue. The other funding sources included state funding (32 percent), federal funding (27 percent), public contractsThere has been a lot of interest in vessel fuel sources in re-(15 percent), advertising (13 percent), and other (18 percent).cent years. Figure 2 provides a visual representation of the breakdown of vessels by fuel type in the 2022 NCFO data. The majority of operators indicated that they received reve- 570 vessels reported a fuel source in the 2022 NCFO. Diesel nue from ticket sales, and of those operators, they reportedremains dominant at 82 percent. Of the 48 vessels indicating FOGHORN 12'