b'LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORA Very Successful AT THE HELMMariTrends 2022 ConventionJOHN GROUNDWATER // EXECUTIVE DIRECTORP VAmembersfromacrossthecountrygatheredthismonthCongratulations go to PVAs newly elected Officers for 2022; PVA inCovington,Ky.,forthePVAAnnualConventionatPresident Bob Bijur, Island Queen Lady, Miami, Fla., PVA Vice President MariTrends 2022. For the first time in more than two years,JimSwindler,GoldenGateBridge,HighwayandTransportation PVA members gathered in-person to share knowledge and ideas, swapDistrict,Larkspur,Calif.andPVASecretary/Treasurer,Patrick stories, and generally get reacquainted. The PVA Board of DirectorsMurphy, Blue and Gold Fleet, San Francisco, Calif. In addition, Carol votedunanimouslytoholdthisface-to-faceconventionwiththeHill, Dry Tortugas National Park Ferry, Key West, Fla., was elected to understanding that there would be value in doing so given that PVAher first three-year term on the PVA Board of Directors.members have been apart for so long. Also, special thanks must go to Colleen Stephens, Stan Stephens Glacier As you know, MariTrends 2022 was originally scheduled to occur& Wildlife Cruises, Valdez, Alaska for serving two terms2020 and in Long Beach, Calif., in early February, but concerns about strict2021asPVAPresident.Colleenprovidedvaluableleadershipfor state COVID-19 regulations and the possibility of closed facilities,PVA throughout the pandemic. restaurants, and other venues caused things to be quickly reevaluated. ThePVABoardvotedtomovetheconventiontotheNorthernAHOY, NEW ADVENTURESHAVE YOU ENROLLED?Kentucky Convention Center. The PVA staff immediately located aAsyoumayknow,PVAhaslaunchedaspecialdigitalmarketing headquarters hotel, redesigned the MariTrends 2022 exhibit floor toprogramcalledAhoy,NewAdventurestoassistmembersin ensure that exhibiting companies received comparable positions on themarketingtheircompaniestoanationalconsumeraudience.This exhibit floor, and revamped the convention program.exciting new program features a web page highlighting PVA member companies and describing their operations. The program makes it easy The result was a very successful MariTrends 2022 convention. Whilefor consumers to contact you directly to arrange for a cruise or a special attendancewassmallerthaninpre-COVID-19years,attendeesevent. The digital marketing program uses a mix of targeted social media thoroughlyenjoyedgettingtogethertoexploresissues,discussadvertising to drive consumers to the Ahoy.us website and to you. solutions to industry problems, and exchange ideas. Best, of all this new PVA member service is free of charge. MariTrends 2022 attendees were treated to excellent keynote addresses from leaders in government. Rear Admiral John Mauger, AssistantIf you have not yet signed up, I encourage you to do so. Do not miss CommandantforPreventionPolicy,U.S.CoastGuardandTheout on this valuable marketing opportunity. Register your company Honorable Jennifer Homendy, Chair of the National Transportationusing the link below.Safety Board discussed their priorities for the coming years. Upload Company Information for Your Company Profile PVAmembersalsoparticipatedinroundtablesandsessionsonUsing the link to the Member Update Form below, upload your marketing, waterways event permitting, ferry operations, propulsioncompany information for your business profile on the Ahoy.us technologies,environmentalissues,drugtestingandlegalizedwebsite. This form will provide you a place to upload a text marijuana, vessel and facility security, and safety management systems.listing, your logo, and images specific to your profile section. PVAs loyal associate members displayed a mixture of products and servicesintendedespeciallyforpassengervesseloperatorsonthe Member Update FormMariTrends 2022 exhibit floor. PVA GREEN WATERS PROGRAMPVA conventions have always featured an array of social events wherePVAhasbeensupportingenvironmentalsustainabilityforyears members interact and network, and MariTrends 2022 was no different.through its PVA Green WATERS Program. Entitled, We Are Taking In addition to a variety of social receptions and exhibit hall events, thisEnvironmental Responsibility/Stewardship(WATERS), the program year PVA members were treated to a Night at the Races event aboardofferseasy-to-useenvironmentally-responsiblepracticesthatvessel BB Riverboats Belle of Cincinnati, which concluded with spectacularoperators can implement to reduce emissions, lower water usage, cut fireworks to celebrate this PVA convention homecoming.energy, use less paper products, and more. We look forward to seeing you in Long Beach, Calif., Feb. 2-5 for thePVAmembershaveembracedthePVAGreenWATERSProgram PVA Annual Convention at MariTrends 2023.asaworkableandeffectivemethodtomakeenvironmental impactswhilealsodemonstratingtocustomersthattheyare NEW PVA OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBER environmentally-responsibleoperators.PVAmembervessels AnotherconventionhighlightistheelectionofnewPVAofficersparticipatinginthePVAGreenWatersprogramcarrymorethan andBoardmembersduringtheannualPVABusinessMeeting.75 million passengers annually. Continued on page 317 MARCH 2022'