b'NEWSWIRE NEWSWIREFTA Announces $45 Million in Ferry GrantsI nFebruary,theFederalTransitAdmin- land Transit District (Illinois). The remainder "Passenger ferries are a critical form of public istration(FTA)awardedpassengerferrywent to projects that will indirectly aid othertransportation in the United States, allowing grantstotaling$45.3milliontopublicPVA members. commuters and others to get to work, school recipientsin11statesandterritories.Mostand medical appointments," said FTA Admin-of the funds were distributed directly to PVAGrants awarded through FTAs competitiveistrator Nuria Fernandez. FTAreceived ferryoperators,includingCascoBayLinesPassengerFerryGrantProgramfundcapi- 24 eligible project proposals in 11 states plus (Maine),StatenIslandFerry(NewYork),talprojectsthatsupportexistingpassengerthe U.S. Virgin Islands totaling approximately Jamestown-ScotlandFerry(Virginia),Kitsapferry service, establish new ferry service, and$113 million in funding requests.Transit(WashingtonState),NewOrleansupgradeferryboats,terminals,andrelated Regional Transit Authority (Louisiana), Sanfacilitiesandequipment.PVAhasconsis- Click here to see the 11 specific awards.Francisco Bay Waterborne Emergency Trans- tently lobbied for the retention of this FTA portation Authority (California), and Rock Is- grant program.NEWSWIRE NEWSWIREPassenger Vessel Foundation Shoreside Offers Over $37,000 in Grants InvestmentT he Passenger Vessel Foundation (PVF)membersTroyandJillMantheyofYachtA smorecompaniesconsideralterna-Board of Trustees has recently voted toStarshipinTampa,Fla.,havegenerouslytive fuel options, a major concern has offer more than $37,000 in grants forpledged $20,000 in matching funding in thebeen the shore-side infrastructure. A mariner education during 2022.latest PVF donor challenge. This is an easy waynew cruise terminal being built at PortMiami to double your contribution to the PVF. Learnis incorporating the necessary framework to This is a record for the amount of availablemore here. accommodate vessels using some of these alter-PVF grants offered in a single year, said Foun- native options. dation President Rob McMahon. We feel thisThroughoutishistory,thePVFhasoffered is a testament to the good work of the Founda- more than $300,000 in educational grants toThe terminal is set to open in late 2023 and will tion in supporting mariner education. persons pursuing education towards support- be equipped for LNG bunkering and ship-to-ing or working in the commercial passengershore power connections. Designed for large During the last two years, while the COVID-19vessel industry. The PVF promotes profession- cruise ships, not smaller vessels, its promising pandemic severely affected the passenger vesselalism, safety, and opportunity within the fieldto see the adoption and investment in the nec-industry, and with little fundraising, the PVFforthoseindividualscurrentlyemployedbyessary infrastructure within the broader passen-offered 40 educational grants to mariners in thepassenger vessel operators. Grants are award- ger vessel industry.100-ton license class and awarded numeroused with a focus on educational assistance, re-other grants for mariner license endorsements. search, training, and the improvement of safe- The new facility represents an investment of ty within the maritime industry. approximately 350 euros ($450 million USD) PVF MATCHING GRANT CHALLENGE byamulti-nationalconglomerateandisex-For more information, visit pvfoundation.com,pected to be the largest cruise ship terminals in The PVF has benefited from numerous sub- or contact info@pvfoundation.com. North American once complete. stantialcontributions.Mostrecently,PVA 35 MARCH 2022'