b'Continued from page 7:Letter from the Executive DirectorParticipatingmembersreceivecertificatesUSCG-Certied Light-Weight foreachvesselthatdemonstratestheir commitment to environmental sustainabilityAluminum Honeycomb Panels withintheiroperationandcommunity.In addition, Green WATERS Program membersfor Passenger FerriesreceivespecialrecognitioninPVAsdigital marketing campaign Ahoy, New Adventures.decorative | durable | functionalToenrollinthePVAGreenWATERSrigidized.com/markets/marineprogram, click here and log in to access the PVA Green WATERS manual and checklist.I hope that you will consider participating in these two important PVA member programs, and I look forward to seeing you at one of moreofPVAsmeetingsandeventsinthe coming year. In the meantime, please let me know whenever we can be of assistance to you.Sincerely,John R. GroundwaterExecutive Director658 Ohio Street | Buffalo, NY 14203 | marine@rigidized.comContinued from page 4: INNOVATIVE. Letter from the Presidentbeyond. The staffs expertise and experienceUNIQUE.ALL AMERICAN MARINEsets the stage. I will report back to you with our plan. and experienced professionals inPROVEN.I am fortunate to be serving with two high-ly-talented Jim Swindler, as PVA vice president, and Pat Murphy, as PVA secretary/treasurer. I look forward to their advice and counsel. I am also excited to work closely with the PVA Emerging Leaders Committee, our past presi-dents, and our regional and committee chairs. Together, we can promote our industry as a re-warding career choice, while encouragingall who work in our industryat every job title to make a real difference in what happens next for our association and our industry. At your service, ALLAMERICANMARINE.comBob Bijur PVA President, 2022 Bellingham, WA | 360.647.7602Pictured: Spirit of Matushka - A 150 Passenger, hydrofoil-assisted catamaran, custom built for Major Marine Tours31 MARCH 2022'