b'FOGHORN FOCUS Are You Green? PRESENTING THE PVA GREEN WATERS PROGRAM A ccordingtoresearchconductedrecentlybyLongwoods,acan be easily and cost-effectively adopted. The PVA Green WATERS national travel research firm, a significant percentage of con- Program includes an easy-to-use checklist for members to assess the level sumers will expect superior customer service in their futureof their environmental stewardship. Using this checklist, members can travels, despite the continuing pandemic and ongoing employee short- get numerous green ideas to improve or evaluate the following:ages. The passenger vessel industry has consistently demonstrated a commitment to achieving superior customer service despite these chal-Office Operations NMENTAL RESPONlenges and a resiliency in adapting to changing market conditions. One Power Sources IROV SIEN Bof the service expectations that passenger vessel operators say has been Fuel Type and Consumption ILG ITINgrowing among passengers is the expectation that the vessels on which Galley Processes YK /SA TETWE R Athey are riding will be operated in an environmentally responsible or Engine Maintenance and EmissionsRA DE W P I H Sgreen manner.Vessel Design and ConstructionPaperless Marketing MaterialsThe Passenger Vessel Association (PVA) has recognized this trend and isWATERSand Collateral assisting its members in their trek to achieve environmental sustainabili-Reservations and Ticketing PVA VOLUNTARY GREEN BUSINESSPRACTICES PROGRAMty through the PVA Green WATERS Program, which is a direct benefitWater Consumption PARTICIPANTof PVA membership. This program, We Are Taking Environmental Re-Environmental Training sponsibility/Stewardship (WATERS), encourages practical tactics that every vessel operator can easily implement to reduce emissions, lowerPVA member participation in the PVA Green WATERS Program has water usage, cut energy, use less paper products, and more. The pro- grown steadily over the years. Dozens of PVA member passenger vessel myriad mm outlinesgram is completely voluntary and is intended to assist passenger vesseloperators use the PVA Green WATERS Program on more than 350 operators to run cleaner, greener business operations without causingpassenger vessels, which carry nearly 75 million passengers. Participating financial or operational strain. members receive certificates for each vessel that demonstrates a commit-ment to environmental sustainability.A Best Green Business Practices manual is available to PVA members to assist in navigating the often complex world of green environmen- Joining in the program is easy and free to PVA members: simply click talism. Using case studies and concrete examples that are tailored spe- here and login to access the PVA Green WATERS Manual and checklist. cifically to the passenger vessel industry, this living document allowsIf you have any questions, pleasecontact PVAs John Groundwater at operators to quickly understand how environmentally friendly practicesjgroundwater@passengervessel.com.FOGHORN 18'