b'FOGHORN FOCUS Marine License Insurance DO YOU NEED IT?MOPS MARINE LICENSE INSURANCEI magine working aboard a vessel and, suddenly, youre involved inlocal Marine Safety Office; and, if charged, potential lengthy proceedings a maritime accident that triggers a U.S. Coast Guard investiga- in administrative court. tion. In the blink of an eye, your career and USCG license are in serious jeopardy. Every year, this scenario is reality for professionalWithout license insurance coverage, an affected mariner could pay up-mariners throughout the U.S. Fortunately, marine license insurancewards of $300 per hour for legal counsel for the duration of the case. can change that. This can amount to tens of thousands of dollars.WHAT IS MARINE LICENSE INSURANCE However, if the mariner has his/her own license insurance or employ-er-provided license insurance, the total annual premium for coverage is Marine license insurance is a pre-paid legal defense insurance policytypically less than two or three hours of legal fees, and the policy pro-that provides policyholders with legal representation by a local mari- vides fully-paid defense from onset of the incident to the conclusion of time attorney in the event of a covered shipping casualty or incident.the case. This coverage is designed specifically to protect the licenses and live-lihoods of professional mariners, such as U.S. Coast Guard-licensedIT IS IN AN EMPLOYERS BEST INTERESTSdeck and engineering officers, certified tankermen, as well as state andTO PROVIDE ITS OFFICERS COVERAGEfederal pilots, operating aboard vessels of any size in every sector of the industry. In general, it is in an employers best interests to provide coverage to its officers. Each company has its own philosophy when it comes to provid-TYPES OF EVENTS COVERED BY LICENSE INSURANCE ing fully- or partially-paid benefits to its employees. However, providing affordable license insurance to its officers often becomes a win-win sit-PHOTO COURTESY OF MOPS MARINE LICENSE INSURANCETypically, the types of events covered by license insurance are shippinguation. Firstly, a successful defense of an officers license keeps him/her casualties and incidents triggering a USCG investigation. These inves- on the active roster and secondly, the appreciation and resulting loyalty tigations can result in negligence charges against involved officers whohelps to not only retain good employees, but also helps attract qualified can face suspension or revocation of their license(s). These casualtiesnew ones.include, but are not limited to: accidental strandings, sinkings, fires or explosions,collisions,allisions,oilproductspills,groundings,heavyA CASE IN POINTweather damage, and wake damage. A good example of why professional mariners need license insurance is WHY CONSIDER LICENSE INSURANCE COVERAGE illustrated in A Rush to Judgment Can Be Costly, which describes the turmoil a ferry boat captain endured after being blamed for a mechanical Most marine license insurance claims involve, at a minimum: an acci- failure incident.dent scene investigation, including an informal USCG interview; the requirement to complete and submit a 2692 Marine Casualty Report byFor more information about MOPS Marine License Insurance, contact the involved mariner; a subsequent formal Coast Guard interview at theus at 800-782-8902 x3608 or visit mopsmarinelicenseinsurance.com.FOGHORN 16'