b'ELECTRIC FERRIES COMING OF AGEBangkok Electric FerryPhoto: TorqeedoAlsoinGermany,TorqeedoandapartnerHesaidtheAmericanmarketisabitcontinues to improve year on year range have developed a fully electric ferry conceptbehindothercountrieswhenitcomesanxiety will abate. We are the benefi ciaries for public transport. Designated the CIT-Etowaterwayelectrifi cation,buthefeelsoftheenormousR&Dandengineering Ferry, the new concept features Deep Blueit is on the verge of breaking out. It willresourcesandscaleoftheautomotive bedriven,hesaid,largelybycitiesthatindustry. Batteries are increasing capacity want to improve air quality and operatorsevery year, and this trend will accelerate as The American marketthatwanttodiff erentiatethemselvesmore electric cars hit the roads. We expect fromthecompetition.U.S.shipyardsfastchargingstationstoproliferateto will be driven largelyandnavalarchitectsarebecomingmoremeet demand.by cities that want tointerestedindesigningcleanvessels withelectricpropulsiontechnologySolarcells,hesaid,arealsoimproving improve air qualityduetothegrowingpopularityofdramatically,augmentingtherangeof and operators thatelectriccarsandelectricpleasureboats. electric-powered boats. Unlike cars, many want to diff erentiateHeobservedthatasbatterytechnologypassenger ferries have substantial rooftop themselves from the competition. Is Electric batterieswithtwinsteerablethrustersthatRight For rotate up to 360 degrees, making it easy to maneuver in narrow urban waterways. TheYou?CIT-E Ferry is ES-TRIN compliant for inland waterways.Themodularconceptallows customers to adapt the vessels overall length from 12 to 24 meters, depending on the route serviced.ThelightweightGRPcatamaran delivers speeds up to 15.5 mph. Depending on overall battery capacity, 14 hours of daily operationtimewithoutrechargingcan be reached. Lets talk about itFinally,weaskedTrklatogiveushis perspective on prospects for electromobilityTorqeedo Inc. T +1 (815) 444 8806on inland waters in the U.S. market.171 Erick Street, Unit A - 1 usa@torqeedo.comCrystal Lake, IL 60014 www.torqeedo.comSEPTEMBER 2021 9 FOGHORN FOCUS: TECHNOLOGY'