b'Bangkok Electric FerryPhoto: TorqeedoELECTRIC FERRIES FOGHORN FOCUSCOMING OF AGEWITH STEVE TRKLA // PRESIDENT TORQEEDO INC.C ities around the world are looking to their waterways to relieveencourage smaller recreational boats to switch over to electric, the city congestion on their roadways and reducing harmful emissionshas established over 100 boat charging stations. intotheair.Tothatend,theyareincreasinglyembracing sustainablealternativestofossil-fueledvessels.Fortunately,batteriesWeaskedTrklatotellusaboutsomeofTorqeedosrecentelectric and solar technologies are maturing to the point that fully electric boatspassenger ferry projects. He focused on three recent deployments, one are entirely feasible and can deliver a handsome return on investmentin Asia and two in Europe.while reducing cities carbon footprint. This confl uence of demand and supply has produced a surge of orders for electric-powered passengerIn June, the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority commissioned 12 new ferries worldwide.Torqeedo-powered electric commuter ferries as part of a citywide plan to reduce traffic and emissions. Twelve 47.5 ft vessels, with a capacity To learn more about this trend, we spoke with PVA member Torqeedo,for 30 passengers each, are augmenting the existing fl eet of eight electric a pioneering electromobility company and the technology leader in theferries already in service. Each of the ferries is fi tted with twin Torqeedo movementtoelectricandsolarferriesCruise10.0kWelectricoutboardswith forcitiesworldwide.WecaughtupAnother great advantagefour Power 48-5000 lithium batteries and withSteveTrkla,whoispresidentoffourfastchargers,replacingtheoriginal Torqeedos U.S. operation. for electric propulsion isdieseloutboards.Theelectriccommuter their outstanding instantferrieswillbepartofaninterconnected Trkla pointed out that passenger ferrieselectrifi ed transportation network that also in urban areas are perfect candidates fortorque at slow speedsincludes electric buses, monorail trains and electricpropulsion,sincetheymostlytheconversionofhundredsofBangkoks travel at slow speeds and relatively shortSTEVE TRKLA iconicthree-wheeledtuk-tuktaxies.The distances.SlowerspeedsdramaticallyPRESIDENT TORQEEDO INC.citys goal is to convert at least 30 percent of reducebatterydischargerates,andits transportation system to electric by 2035.with short routes batteries can easily be swapped out at either end or topped offwith fast recharging stationsA new solar-electric passenger ferry, which was just delivered from arst at stopovers, he said. And solar panel technology is improving to thesubsidiary shipyard in Germany, is the fi to employ a new steerable point that the batteries can be topped offwhile underway. thruster system designed to provide up to 65 kW of emission-free power anddirectionalthrust.Thepropulsionsystemwasacollaborative Anothergreatadvantageforelectricpropulsionsystemsovergaseff ort and includes an electro-hydraulic steering system. The system is and diesel engines is their outstanding instant torque at slow speeds,powered by Torqeedo Deep Blue lithium-ion batteries with a battery dramatically improving maneuverability when docking, Trkla added. bank capacity of 80 kWh to 1 MWh and meets ES-TRIN rules for inland vessels in the EU. The 14.6-meter ferry can transport up to 20 people TrklapointstotheCityofAmsterdamasaleaderinwaterwayand 15 bicycles per trip at a cruising speed of 5 mph. It will operate on electrifi cation. A couple of years ago the city mandated that 100 percentthe route between Kamp and Karnin on the island of Usedom, which of commercial boats on its canals must be fully electric by 2025. To is popular with cyclists. Ampereship is building three identical vessels for Switzerland.FOGHORN FOCUS: TECHNOLOGY 8 FOGHORN'