b'LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORCERTS Success AT THE HELM$362 Million for Passenger Vessel OperatorsJOHN GROUNDWATER // EXECUTIVE DIRECTORL ast month, PVA members began receiving the fi rst of two grantFortunately, there are those in Congress who recognize the need payments under the Coronavirus Economic Relief Programtoprovideadditionalfundingandareworkingtoprovidean for Transportation Services (CERTS). This was a huge victoryadditional $60 billion through the Restaurant Revitalization Fund for our industry as these grant payments were the result of manyReplenishment Act. PVA supports this legislation and is working with months of work by PVA lobbying Congress for much needed relief. other aligned organizations to urge the passage of this legislation. If approved, this would permit current pending applications from PVA The passenger vessel industry received an astounding $362 million inmembers to be considered by SBA and would also allow additional grants under the CERTS program. dinner cruise operators to apply for these new funds. Rest assured that PVA staffwill continue to vigorously advocate for the passage of Months ago, PVA joined with several other transportation-relatedthis important legislation.organizations including the American Bus Association, the United Motorcoach Association, and the National School TransportationPVA REGION MEETINGSAssociation to urge Congress to pass CERTS legislation to providePVA Region Meetings are right around the corner and PVA members emergency funding for members whose businesses had been ravagedare enthusiastic about prospects for interacting face-to-face once again. by the economic eff ects of the coronavirus pandemic. The strength of these regionmeetings has always been rooted in the exchange of information and the quality of interaction established Theprogramisdesignedtoprovidegrantstocompaniesthatthrough roundtable discussions. These discussions allow attendees to experienced an annual revenue loss of 25 percent or more as a directshare knowledge, tips, and tactics in a relaxed atmosphere. Highlights or indirect result of COVID-19. CERTS grant funds are primarilyof this years region meeting programs include:intended to cover payroll costs but can also be used to cover the acquisition of services, equipment, including PPE and protectionRoundtable Discussion: Employment Challengesmeasures from COVID-19 for workers and customers; continued operations and maintenance of existing equipment and facilities;Roundtable Discussion: Operating Successfully in a Lingering rent, leases, insurance, and interest on regular debt service.Pandemic EnvironmentFollowingpassageinCongress,PVAstaff workedcloselywith Roundtable Discussion: Food and Beverage Trends and Supply- TreasuryDepartmentofficialsastheypreparedtolaunch Chain Challengesthe program. Marine Insurance TrendsWhile we are pleased with this legislative success and the fi nancial relief that has been provided to passenger vessel operators, our workFollowing is the schedule of PVA Region Meetings:is not done. We recognize that the eff ects of the coronavirus continue to impact the passenger vessel industry and, as a result, we are alreadyOct. 2527, 2021working with our transportation partners to advocate for additional2021 PVA Western Region Meetingfunds under the CERTS program.San Diego, Calif.RESTAURANT REVITALIZATION FUNDNov. 24, 2021REPLENISHMENT ACT 2021 PVA Original Colonies Region MeetingIn March, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act whichNew London, Conn.established the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) and provided $28.6 billion for restaurants, food trucks, and bars. Dinner cruiseNov. 1012, 2021vessels were eventually judged to qualify for RRF grants because2021 PVA Rivers Region Meetingof PVAs direct work with Small Business Administration (SBA)Pittsburgh, Pa.officials. Unfortunately, the original funds were quickly depleted, leavingmanybusinesseswithoutfunding.SomePVAmemberCOVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR PVA REGION MEETINGSdinner cruise operators were fortunate to receive funds before theyThe safety of our region meeting attendees is of the utmost importance. ran out, while others who applied were left in limbo. As a result, we have established clear COVID-19 standards for these Continued on page 36SEPTEMBER 2021 7 LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'