b'COAST GUARD REPORT:Merchant Mariner Credentialing: COAST GUARDIssuance of Endorsements TOfficeofMerchantMarinerThis policy letter provides guidance for theservice as Mate on an inspected vessel of 200 he CredentialinghaspublishedCG- issuance of national officer endorsements forgross register tons (GRT) or more may be issued MMCPolicyLetter03-21titled:master of self-propelled vessels of less thananendorsementforMasterofSelf-Propelled Issuance of Endorsements for Master of Self- 100GRTformarinerswhoholdnationalVessels of Less Than 100 GRT.Propelled Vessels of Less Than 100 GRT toendorsementsformateofinspectedself-Mariners Holding Endorsements as Mate ofpropelledvesselsof200GRTormore.This policy is available on the U.S. Coast Guard Self-Propelled Vessels of 200 GRT or More. As specified in the policy letter, a marinerMerchant Mariner Credentialing policy website holdinganendorsementthatauthorizeson theMMC Policy Webpage. Marinersandotherinterestedpartiesshould contacttheMarinerCredentialingProgram PolicyDivisionat MMCPolicy@uscg.mil or (202) 372-2357 with any questions or feedback.Continued from page 42:FERRIES 2021Thevenue,withfloor-to-ceilingwindows overlookingferrytrafficontheHudson River,isaquickferryridefromNew York City.Marine Log has partnered with PVA to plan what will be the industrys first live event in 18 months. In addition to two days of in-person discussions and Q&A sessions, the event will feature opportunities for networking.Over the next several years, the ferry industry isexpectedtoexperiencerapidgrowthand innovation. The collaboration between Marine LogandPVAenablesbothorganizations toshareresourcesandindustryknowledge insupportoftheferryindustryatthis critical juncture.Afocusoftheprogramwillbeonlessons learned from real-life experience. In addition, theprogramwillexplorenewwaystomeet economic and environmental targets through advances in technology, innovative approaches to operating a vessel, and the latest trends in ferry design.Registration for event is now open.COAST GUARD REPORT 46 FOGHORN'