b'NEWSWIRE: STATEWIDE, WHALE WATCHING SUPPORTED850 $23.4JOBS IN LABOR MILLION INCOMETOTAL ECONOMIC$103 INFOOTPRINT OF WHALE WATCHINGTOTALMILLION OUTPUTWhale bubble net feeding Credit: Dave WrightsonStudy Shows Economic Importance of Alaskas Whale-Watching IndustryM orethanhalfamillionvisitors ThewhalewatchingindustryinAlaskamammalspecialistwithNOAAFisheries about553,000peoplewhocamehas grown signifi cantly over the last decadeAlaska Regional Office.Seward is the states to Alaska in 2019 spent an estimatedsaid Bob Koenitzer, Senior Consultant forsecond largest whale watching destination.$86 million on whale watching tours accordingMcDowellGroup,commented,Wildlife toastudyconductedbyMcDowellGroupviewing is the top visitor activity in AlaskaThe study team estimated that one million and funded by the National Marine Fisheriesand images of whales are used extensively inadditionalAlaskavisitorsdidnotpayfor Service.Itmeasuredtheeconomicimpactsmarketing the state to visitors. whale watching tours but were able toview of55businessesand187vesselsengagedwhales from cruise ships, PVA vessel member inpaidwhalewatchingtoursinAlaskasAs far as we can tell, Juneau is the largestAlaskaMarineHighwayvessels,while coastalwatersfromKetchikantoUnalaska.whale watching destination in the world andengaginginguidedsaltwatersportfi shing, The study concluded: likely has a larger fl eet and higher passengerand/or from Alaskas roadways and harbors.volumethananyotherwhale-watchingStatewide, whale watching directlyport,saidDr.SuzieTeerlink,marineFor a copy of the study, click here. supported 850 jobs and $23.4 million in labor income The multiplier eff ects of direct spending Humpback whales bubble net feeding in Southeast Alaska.circulating in the Alaska economyCredit: Suzie Teerlink; NOAAresulted in an additional 255 jobs and FisheriesPermit #14296 $13.9 million in labor income Statewide, industry employmentimpacts, including all multiplier eff ects,are estimated at 1,105 jobs and $37.3million in labor income The total economic footprint of whalewatching in Alaska is estimated at $103million in total output (a measure of allindustry-related spending in Alaska)Whale watching supports more than a thousand jobs in Alaska. This study demonstrates that healthy whale populations underpin important economic activity for people, businesses, and communities throughout coastal Alaska.SEPTEMBER 2021 45 NEWSWIRE'