b"Continued from page 7: Letter from the Executive Directormeetings.PVAwillfollowallfederal, PVA will follow all local guidelines andPVA will follow all AT THE HELMstate, and local guidelines set for in-person mandates for each region based upon gatherings,aswellasrecommendations corresponding state mandates in placefederal, state, and provided by the Centers for Disease Control at the time of the event.local guidelines and Prevention (CDC).Wewillupdateattendeeswithchangestoset for in-personPVA will provide PVA masks for allfederal, state, and local rules as they occur. attendees on site and stronglygatherings, as wellencourages members to wear masksSPONSORSHIPS FOR PVA REGIONas recommendationsindoors as required by the federalMEETINGS ARE AVAILABLE government mask mandate for allSponsoring a PVA Region Meeting is a greatprovided by the Centerstransportation conveyances. way to generate visibility for your company infor Disease Control this smaller meeting environment. A varietyPVA will promote social distancing inofsponsorshipsareavailableandcanbeand Prevention (CDC). all meeting spaces.purchased here.KATIKA KLASSIC MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT AT THE PVA WESTERN REGION MEETING If you are planning to attend the PVA Western RegionMeetingthenIencourageyouto takepartintheKatikaKlassicMemorial TournamenttobeheldonOct.25atthe CoronadoMunicipalGolfCourseinSan Diego, Calif. Opened in 1957, the course is rated as one of the best public golf courses in the nation.Information can be found hereSUMMER DUES BILLING PROGRAMYoushouldhavereceivedaninvoicefor your2022PVAmembershipduesunder theSummerBillingProgram.We'vebeen gettinggoodresponsefromPVAmembers whoarepayingtheirduesunderthis program.Thankyoutothosewhohave paidtheirduesfor2022.Ifyouhavenot, I hope that you can pay your dues soon to supportourworkinourbehalf.If youhaveanyquestions,contactLeslie Kagariseatlkagarise@passengervessel.comor me at jgroundwater@passengervessel.com.Pleaseletmeknowwheneverwecanbeof assistance to you.Sincerely,John R. GroundwaterExecutive DirectorLETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 36 FOGHORN"