b'thereby making the operator an employee of Acknowledgment by the charter/renter Lastly,donotleavethedockwithouta the charterer/renter and not the vessels owner.concerning the vessel-passenger-countbareboatcharteragreementonboardtherestrictions and understanding of legal vessel signed by the vessels charterer/renter. If the owner of the vessel specifi es, or otherwise consequences should they be exceeded. Withoutanagreementonboardthevessel providesthecrew,thenthevesselwillbewillbeassumedtobeapassenger-for-hire consideredasapassenger-for-hireoperationEnsure passenger count does not exceed 12operation and could result in monetary fi nes and fall within one of two areas for regulatoryand does not include the crew or charterer/ or,S in the case of an operator possessing a oversight; Uninspected Passenger Vessels (UPV)renter. Note that only one individual can bemerchant mariner credential, suspension and or inspected passenger vessels. With a UPV, thegranted exemption as the charter/renter revocation proceedings.operator of the vessel will be required to possess a valid Coast Guard-issued merchant mariner credentialcontainingaUPVendorsement or higher equivalent and the passenger count is limited to six or fewer. An inspected vessel would in turn require inspection by the Coast Guard and possession of a valid Certifi cate of Inspection (COI); the operator would also be required to possess a valid Coast Guard-issued merchantmarinercredentialwithamaster endorsement for the tonnage of vessel being operated. Passenger counts for inspected vessels aredeterminedthroughtheCoastGuard inspectionprocess.Understandingwhena passengervesseloperationbecomesonethat isgovernedbyregulatoryrequirementsis necessary in avoiding potential punitive action. Violations of the Passenger Vessel Safety Actnes of 1993 carry stifffi and could jeopardize the validity of ones credential should they be found proven. Ignorance to the law has been foundtobeaninvaliddefenseinpastlegal proceedingsandthereforeoperatorswould bewisetoresearchregulatoryrequirements governing passenger carriage to avoid crossing the line of legality.Prior to accepting an operator position aboard abareboatcharterconsiderthefollowing recommendationstoavoidviolatingcurrent lawsandregulationsgoverningpassenger carrying vessels.Create a contract for your services and consider addressing the following within it: Payment for your time and expectationsof duties while on board Acknowledgement by the charterer/ renter that they had a choice of operatorRELIABLE POWER FOR Aand selected you DEMANDING SCHEDULEYour business cant compromise when it comes toAcknowledgment by the charterer/ maintaining a demanding schedule. Thats whyrenter that they may discharge youcustomers count on reliable John Deere PowerTechfor cause without referral to themarine engines. With high torque and low-rated rpm,vessels owner John Deere engines deliver dependable power and quiet operation.Full power range of marine engines 60 to 559 kw (80 to 750 hp)JohnDeere.com/MarineSEPTEMBER 2021 35 COAST GUARD MATTERS'