b"REGULATORY REPORT:Passenger Vessel Association REGULATORY and Passenger VesselsPETER LAURIDSEN // PVAREGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANTI n my July article on the early history ofthe broad sweep of the proposed rule and itsboat had to be devoted to persons under 21 smallpassengervessels(SPV)andtheinclusion of Subchapter H passenger vessels,years of age. National Association of Passenger VesselNAPVOreachedouttoferrysystemsand Owners(NAPVO),Iindicatedthatthereovernight vessel operators and off ered to assistOneofNAVPOsmemberswasthefi rst was also a signifi cant inclusion of passengerin developing and presenting comments to theto deploy a specially designed boat for this vesselsinspectedandcertifi catedunderdocket. It brought a signifi cant broadening ofnew market. The vessel was outfi tted so that Subchapter H.membership beyond the original componentit sailed as a dinner, breakfast, and brunch ofSPVowners.Thedevelopmentofthisoperation in addition to the gambling feature. Two events brought Subchapter H passengerSubchapterWcontinuedoverseveralThe NAPVO operator contracted a Florida vessels and NAPVO together. The fi rst was ayears resulting in an interim rule publishedshipyard to build a Subchapter H vessel. The NoticeofProposedRulemakingpublishedMay 20, 1996. vessel was designed with the limiting factors April 21, 1989 establishing a new Subchapterof the Iowa law in mind so a larger vessel built W that addressed the Safety of Life at SeasThe second event was the Excursion Gamblingunder Subchapter H was seen as necessary and Convention (SOLAS) Chapter III Life-SavingBoat Act passed by the Iowa Legislature ineconomically viable. AppliancesandArrangements.ThenewMarch 1989. This law allowed limited, low-SubchapterWcoveredallinspectedvesselsstakes casino gambling on Iowa's rivers andNearingtheendofconstruction,itwas except some classes of vessels where lifesavinglakesbeginningApril1,1991.Thevesseldeterminedthatthevesseldidnotmeet equipmentwasaddressedintheindividualcould only use 30% of the square footage ofSubchapter H due to structural defi ciencies. 2021_GH-BuildaLegend_Foghorn.pdf 13 3/4/21 12:22 PMsubchapter such as in Subchapter T. Giventhe vessel for the casino and sections of theOne regulatory provision based on SOLAS Foghorn 3.375high wide x 4.875C LET ASSUREDPARTNERS MCM MANAGEM YOUR INSURANCE SO YOU CANY FOCUS ON YOUR VOYAGECM AssuredPartners MCM is a leading independentinsurance brokerage based in the Pacic Northwest. OurMYCY combined experience placing insurance and managingCMY the marine industrys unique risks.K Whether were working with vessel operators, builders,DONT BUILD A FERRY.BUILD A LEGEND.AssuredPartners MCMContact: Damon L. NasmanDirectLine:206.262.6375Damon.Nasman@assuredpartners.comgladding-hearn.comCelebrating 50 years of excellence www.assuredpartnersmcm.comREGULATORY REPORT 30 FOGHORN"