b'THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PASSENGER VESSEL ASSOCIATIONSEPTEMBER 2021 Technology VOL 20, NO. 8PRESIDENT FEATURESColleen Stephens, Stan Stephens Glacier and Wildlife Cruises, Valdez, AK 8 Electric Ferries Coming Of AgeVICE PRESIDENT Steve Trkla looks at how electric propulsion Bob Bijur, Island Queen Cruises, Miami, FL is growing in the ferry industry and shares SECRETARY/TREASURER examples of operators that are starting to Jim Swindler, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway andtransition to this technology. Transportation District, San Francisco, CABOARD MEMBERS 12 Minimizing Cyber Security Risk Ben Bernstein, BB Riverboats, Newport, KYErik Bombard, Catalina Express, San Pedro, CA For Ships At Sea ABOUT THE COVER Jed Dixon, North Carolina Department ofData breaches cost companies millions. WithEastern Shipbuilding Group developed TransportationFerry Division, Manns Harbor, NC the right technology, ferry companies canFire ghter II for the FDNY in direct response Steve Jones, Gateway Clipper Fleet, Pittsburgh, PA identify vulnerabilities and increase theirto needs noted in the weeks following 9/11. John Lake, Hornblower, Alexandria, VA defenses to protect themselves. Twenty years ago, the FDNY, along with Patrick Murphy, Blue and Gold Fleet,passenger ferries and other ships, helped San Francisco, CASarah Pennington, Classic Harbor Line, New York, NY 16 Cyber Security Alert: Incidentevacuate 500,000 people to safety.Photo: Hoyt Purinton, Washington Island Ferry Line,Reporting & Cyber ResourcesEastern Shipbuilding Group. Story page 38.Washington Island, WI LT Catherine Paris discusses when and how Andrew Sargis, Wendella Sightseeing Boats, Chicago, IL to report cyber incidents, as well as shares resources to help mariners strengthen their ASSOCIATE MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE knowledge of cyber best practices.COLUMNSRob McMahon, Pinnacle Marine Corporation, Stoddard, WIPVA PAST PRESIDENTS 20 The Day Which Changed America 4 Presidents LetterBob Lawler, Boston Harbor Cruises, Boston, MA When tragedy struck the city, passenger ferries7 Executive Directors LetterGus Gaspardo, Padelford Packet Boat Company,were part of the Boatlift eff ort that responded St. Paul, MN without delay to evacuate Lower Manhattan.26Business MattersEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 28 Legislative ReportJohn R. Groundwater 24 A History of NAPVO and PVA 30 Regulatory ReportLEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR A past president refl ects on the early days of32 Safety MattersEdmund Welch the association and shares a few humorous34 Coast Guard MattersREGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANT tales from those formative years. Peter Lauridsen 37 PVA Welcomes New MembersDIRECTOR OF FINANCE 38 Member NewsLeslie Kagarise 40 NewswireDIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS46 Coast Guard ReportAND RISK MANAGEMENTEric Christensen 44 Advertisers IndexGENERAL COUNSELSteven Bers, Whiteford, Taylor and PrestonEDITORIAL OFFICESManaging Editor: Sarah Ferrettisarah@passengervessel.comTEL: 571-388-7752CONTRIBUTING EDITOR:Richard Purinton: richard@wisferry.com FOGHORN is published monthly except combined January/February by the Washington Island Ferry Line, Washington Island, WI Passenger Vessel Association (PVA), 103 Oronoco Street, Suite 200 Alexandria, CREATIVE DIRECTION & DESIGN VA 22314. Send address changes to FOGHORN at pvainfo@passengervessel.com.Amy Wilkamymarie.wilk@gmail.com Copyright 2021 by the Passenger Vessel Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the Passenger Vessel Association.PASSENGER VESSEL ASSOCIATIONPVAINFO@PASSENGERVESSEL.COMPHONE: (703) 518-5005 FAX: (703) 518-5151'