b'AsecondaspectofthePresidentspolicycompaniesthatholdfederalcontracts The Occupationalpromotion of vaccinations is that anotherandconcessionswillberequiredtobe Safety and Healthrulewillmandatethatemployersgivevaccinated (and they will not have the choice workerspaidtimeoff togetshots.Thisofoptingoutandinsteadundergoing Act of 1970 givesrulewillapplytoallemployerswith100weeklycoronavirustesting).However, the agency broadormoreworkers,butnottothosewithitappearsthatthemandatesofthisfewer employees. Executive Order do not apply to an existing authority tocontractorconcessionfortheduration In addition, some PVA members that holdofitsterm. Employeesofcompaniesthat protect workers. concessioncontractswiththeNationalenterintonewcontractswiththefederal Park Service and other units of the federalgovernment(suchasferryoperatorsthat governmentwillbeaff ectedbyPresidentsuccessfullycompetetoobtainanew EvenatruncatedrulemakingprocesswillBidens Executive Order entitled EnsuringNational Park Service concession contract requireseveralweeksforcompletionandAdequateCOVIDSafetyProtocolsortorenewanexistingconcession)will implementation.Duringthisinterimtime,forFederalContractors.Workersfor besubjecttothenewprovisionson numerous questions will need to be addressedemployee vaccinations.bytheregulationwriters.Howwillthe 100-employee threshold be fl out? Willeshed seasonal,part-time,ortemporaryworkers count? Will exemptions be allowed for personsThe Trusted Source withdisabilitiesorwithgenuinereligious objectionstovaccinations?Howwillanfor Advanced LED Lightingemployeedemonstratepriorvaccinations?If an employee chooses not to be vaccinated and opts for weekly coronavirus testing, who will perform that testing and who will pay for it? To what extent will workers for ferry systems operatedbystateandlocalgovernmentbe aff ected? We dont yet know the answers to these questions.Many PVA vessel operators do not employ 100NAVIGATION LIGHTSworkers or more, even if seasonal employees are counted. They should not be aff ected by this impeding rule, although if they are federalUTILITY LIGHTING LED DECK LIGHTINGcontractors, they will be covered by another presidential mandate, discussed below.AnemployerthatviolatesanOSHAsafety and health standard is potentially subject to a civil penalty of up to $7,000 per violation. Note that the civil penalty is not levied against the worker.DOWN LIGHTINGA PVA member may protest that OSHA has no authority over inspected passenger vessels thatSEARCHLIGHTSare regulated by the U.S. Coast Guard. That is generally true, but the OSHA exclusion is based on the fact that Coast Guard regulations addressmostworkersafetyconditionson an inspected vessel. Where the Coast Guard has not regulated in a particular area, such asPhoto credits (L-R): All American Marine, Brix Marine,All American Marineprotection against coronavirus, OSHA retains authority to apply its standards and rules to inspected vessels.www.imtra.com 508.995.7000SEPTEMBER 2021 29 LEGISLATIVE REPORT'