b'job and we must support grassroots marketingpuckering really starts. Thats why I wanted tocrewmetricsincludeteamretention,safety, eff orts to help our sales teams. Now everyonefocus everyone on getting sales. This year salesandcrewsurveyresults.Wemustre-orient needstosupporttheHRteam.Doublewere often held back by a lack of crew, so letsthem. The number of folks hired is urgent, downonfriends&familyreferralsastheirrebuild our teams. butabetterindicatorforqualitymightbe quality cant be replicated hiring blind. Maybethe number of folks interviewed. Maybe the yourcrewalsowantsachange.ThisyearFOCUS ON KEY METRICS. crew is more concerned about adequate shifts Ivebeensurprisedbylong-termcrewwhoRecently, I worked with a client who had aor total compensation as tips or commissions wanta90-degreeturnintheirday-to-dayten-year decline in membership.Miraculously,are more irregular. Perform a crew survey and responsibilities. During this time of nationalduring COVID-19, they had a fl at three monthsextensively follow up on the key areas. refl ection,weneedmoresuchconversationsandthengrewthefollowingthreemonths. and to be fl exible. Whatmadethediff erence?WegraphicallyGatheryourteamtorebuildandquestion illustratedourproblemtotheorganization,your core assumptions while adapting to our Iamsuperconcernedaboutyear-rounddeveloped some simple scorecard metrics, andnew reality.Make this everyones job, not just crew fatigue. They have been magnifi cent inthen focused on them. Good things happenedHRs. And then, hopefully, we can catch our handling the last year and a half, demonstratingwhenyourmetricsareright.Traditionally,breath and head into better days soon.yetagaintheirabilitiestobeambidextrous, fl andrisetoanychallenge.Buttheyexible, need hope as we face another lean winter. Just because our operations arent back to normal doesntmeantheydonthaveoptions:they aboundnow.Anyemployerwouldvalue thethousandsofcrewswehavetrainedto becustomerfocused,pragmatic,andteamPublic Tickets & oriented. Cherish and take care of your corePrivate Charterscrew. Take time to rebuild intern programs for 2022 and start getting back to normal. Retool.together at lastandaggressivelymarketyouremployment message and then deliver on those promises.I used to say that revenue and advance bookingsEFFORTLESSEFFORTLESSwerelikealtitudeinaplane:withaltitudeRESERVATIONS CONTRACTSyou have lots of options and without it the+ TICKETING for Private Chartersfor Public Cruises and Group BookingsAbout the Author: Integrated online,Custom PDF contracts phone and walk-upwith fully-trackable bookings versioningAutomated conrmation,Support for private reminder and follow-upcharters, schools and emails tour groupsMarketing and SearchDetailed reports for Engine Optimizationevent planning and (SEO) nancial trackingBOB SHAW Personalized set-up,Resource tracking for INDUSTRY CONSULTANT training and supportmulti-use inventoryincludedBob Shaw is a veteran industry executive, having led nearly 200 vessels responsible for more than 18 million passengers a year. He is a frequent speaker at PVA meetings. He can be reached at shawrw@gmail.com. Manage your entire business from a single, integrated platformSCHEDULE A DEMOWWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COMSEPTEMBER 2021 27 BUSINESS MATTERS'