b'Photo by Adam Nir on UnsplashBUSINESS MATTERSRedesigning BUSINESSCrew SystemsBY BOB SHAW // INDUSTRY CONSULTANTL ast year we knew a massive challenge ofschoolingoptionsandchildcare.Manychanging and we must re-examine our core beliefs rehiringourteamsloomed.Goinghave found joy in working from home and areand business practices.fromaskeletalteamtopeak-seasonmore productive without office distractions crewwouldbeakintoscalingourbiggestor grueling commutes. My professional career centers around three planks: start-up overnight.1) Get your culture right; 2) Grow and develop your Thisresistancetothereturntoofficeisteam; 3) Focus on the key metrics. Lets look at our ItwasevenharderthanIimagined;thereabigissueaswerebuildanindustrythatcrew systems through that framework.wasnocrewtohire!Thewholeeconomybrings people together. Ominously, a record wassimilarlyconstrained,andwecouldntamount of those working, up to a third, areGET YOUR CULTURE RIGHT.meetdemanddespiteheroichiringeff orts.seriouslyconsideringchangingindustriesWevealltakenbig,bighitstoourculture.We Paradoxically,jobcreationpainfullylagsor functions. Traditionally, people join ourstartedwithemergencylay-off s/furloughs/pay overallgrowthandemployeesusuallyfunbusinessandthenappreciatecareercuts that were followed by a cash-starved year, and havefewoptionsinmostrecessions.Thatpossibilities over time; few proactively seekwe now face constant competing distractions and completelyfl in2021shothiringus out for the long haul. After a very difficultcrises.ipped market.Barrierstowelcomingnewcrew16 months, the Delta variant has crept into include uncertain schedules, concerns aboutour lives and crimped customer demand yetCanwecrystalizeabreakthroughrecruiting COVID-19andunvaccinatedcoworkers,aagain, throwing ever more ambiguity towardsmessagetopotentialnewcrew?MostPVA rude and sometimes hostile public, and a lackus and our crew systems. Our world keepsoperatorstrulyhavethatfamilyvibeableto discern what their crew wants, such as fl exibility for childcare, compensation increases to prevent them from entertaining new opportunities, or paths for promising careers. Notnecessarilyeverythingcomesdowntocash; Napoleon believed you could conquer the world attention to detail bygivingsoldierspiecesofribbonsascombat decorations.Whatrecognitioncanweprovide? Remembertoberelentlesslypositive(andas challenging as that is, Colin Powell said leaders are responsible for their own morale).GROW AND DEVELOP YOUR TEAM .We are a long way from having dozens of applicants perpositionandbeingabletohiresolelyrock starserverswithfi yearsexperienceandfi ve ve references.Thinkofthisasanopportunityto redefi ne hiring standards and seek nontraditional candidates. I used to say that sales was everyones www.beurteaux.comBUSINESS MATTERS 26 FOGHORN'