b'The main reasonold name while many of the newer membersand tried to establish order. He eventually wanted the name to be shortened. It was nottook his shoe offand banged it on a table for establishinguntil Captain Dick Lynn stood up duringuntilorderwasrestored.Thisincident NAPVO was toa membership meeting and said, We areled to the formation of the PVA Womens going to be called Pu Va? and the roomAuxiliary Association or PVAWAA, which obtain reasonablycalmed down because of his humor. Fromhappily does not exist today. Needless to that day on our association was called PVA. say, voting and non-voting members were priced groupnever separated again.marine insurance. In another famous melee as PVA went downtheroadtomodernizeoccurredAbout the Author: whenMemberJoeThiemannstoodup and a street fi ght and many of the words thatduring a PVA convention business meetingALAN BERNSTEINwere exchanged cannot be printed here. Theandsaid,IthinkallmembershipduesBB RIVERBOATS, NEWPORT, KYoutcomeofthatmomentousdiscussionshould be $1000 each and then promptly was to change our associations name to thesat down. At that time, I think most duesCaptainBernsteinscareerbeganin NationalAssociationofPassengerVesselwere between $175 and $500 depending on1970 as a deckhand. Alan and his father Operators and, as a result, operators thenthe size of your fl eet. This argument led tobegan the process of locating a vessel to had a vote in the association. a decision to only allow voting membersstart a new business, BB Riverboats. In 1981,Alanreceivedhisfi Masters in the front of the room and non-voting rst The next big (and I mean big) challengemembers were herded to the back of thelicenseandhassinceupgraded.BB was changing the name from NAPVO toroom.Unfortunately,thisputalltheRiverboats operates two Coast Guard-some other name, such as PVA. I rememberwives or partners behind a rope separatinginspectedriverboats.Bernsteinwas vividly the chaotic scene that ensued whenthemfromthefrontoftheroom.Thiselected to the PVA Board of Directors in1982,servedaspresidentin1988, theboardofdirectorsannouncedthatmisaligneddecisioncreatedanuproarand continues to be an active member. theywantedtochangethenameofouramong the associations female contingent.HeservesontheConventionSite organizationagain.TheoldermembersAttheheightofthecommotion,ZackSelection Committee. (not age, but longevity) wanted to keep theDAlesandro (the sergeant at arms) stood up About the Author: SEPTEMBER 2021 25 PVA AT 50'