b'Ships of all categories showed up and began evacuating people with no other way offLower Manhattan than by Fire Island Ferries fi rst trip to New York Financial District Pier 11the waterfront.Credit: Dave AndersonOn Sept. 16, 2001, Fire Island Ferries got vesselsThe ceremony began with an introductionThose included:underway to Lower Manhattan under the directionbyCaptainJohnBowie,ViceChairman of NY Waterway. Our mission was to commenceoftheTowboatandHarborCarriers The Honorable Senator ferryservicetotheFinancialDistricttoPierAssociation. Captain John Bowie recognized Kirsten Gillibrand11andPierA.OnSept.17,webeganworkingthe New York Council Navy League of the with NY Waterway providing ferry services fromUnitedStates,TransportationInstitute, Coast Guard Rear Admiral RichardWeehawken, Hoboken, Colgate, and Port LibertyAmericanMaritimePartnership,Towboat Larrabee, former director of Port all in New Jersey, to help restore and re-populateand Harbor Carriers Association, Passenger Commerce at the Port Authority ofthe Financial District. On this day, we were one ofVesselAssociation,SandyHookPilots, NY/NJ (Retired)the fi rst vessels to begin transporting people back toSeamensChurchInstitute,ThePort Lower Manhattan. Authority of NY/NJ, and the Battery Park Coast Guard Admiral Karl SchultzCityAuthority.Afterthepresentationof One week after the attacks, we were transportingcolors and national anthem, severalspeakersAdmiralSchultzspokeonbehalfofhow commuters, fi rst responders, and those who perishedsharedtheirthoughtsandmemories.thisdayhasre-shapedAmericaandhow from the site of the attack at ground zero. Transiting through the smoke and smell on the Hudson River in New York Harbor was something which will be embedded in our minds forever. We provided these services for several months.We take the heat, OnFridaySept.10,2021,a9/11Boatlift20thso you dont have to.Anniversary Tribute was held at Robert F. Wagner Jr.ParkinLowerManhattansponsoredbytheCool. Because you need it. We deliver cool based on NewYorkCouncilNavyLeagueandPresidentyour reality. So no matter where you operate, hot days CaptainFrankR.Russo,Jr.USN(Retired).and heavy loads will never slow you down. In attendance were: Towboat and Harbor Carriers Association Transportation Institute American Maritime Partnership Passenger Vessel Association GRIDCOOLERWEKA Keel Cooler Boxcooler Sandy Hook Pilots Seamans Church Institutefernstrum.com| 1.906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.comPort Authority of NY/NJ ISO 9001:2015 2021 R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All rights reserved. FERNSTRUM and GRIDCOOLER are registered trademarks of R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All other trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners.SEPTEMBER 2021 21 FOGHORN FOCUS: TECHNOLOGY'