b'DHS CISA CENTRAL About the Author: Vesselandfacilityoperators,andportauthorities,maywishto discuss their cyber incidents with DHS CISA Central. Depending on the situation, CISA Central may be able to provide assistance. Additionally, CISAs published recommended practices may also provideownersandoperatorswithawealthofinformation regarding cybersecurity industrial control systems. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONTheFederalBureauofInvestigation(FBI)InfraGardprogram provides members of the critical infrastructure community a means to share information to prevent, protect, and defend against hostile acts against critical infrastructure and key resources. LIEUTENANT CATHERINE PARISSTAFF ENGINEER, U.S. COAST GUARDNATIONAL SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITYSYSTEMS ENGINEERING DIVISION,REPORTING (SAR) INITIATIVE OFFICE OF DESIGN AND ENGINEERING STANDARDSThe National SAR Initiative provides information and resources related to suspicious activity reporting. The SAR Initiative is a jointLT Catherine Paris is a 2013 graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard collaborative eff ort between DHS, FBI, and state, local, tribal andAcademy. She completed her Apprentice Marine Inspector tour territorial law enforcement partners. Note that this is a source ofat Sector San Francisco, where she earned domestic inspector information, not a reporting center. qualifi cationsforpassengervesselsandbarges.In2018,she completedherMastersinMechanicalEngineeringatthe REPORTING CONTACTS: UniversityofSouthCarolina,andhassincebeenstationed Primary: USCG National Response Center (NRC):atCoastGuardHeadquartersintheOfficeofDesignand 1-800-424-8802 Engineering Standards. There, she leads policy implementation for vessel cyber risk management in the Marine Transportation System.LTParisalsoearnedthepermanentMarineSafety, Secondary: DHS CISA Central 1-888-282-0870Security and Stewardship Professional Insignia in May of 2021.or by email at: central@cisa.dhs.govIMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSAutomatic interceptor trim tab systems.Your new fuel saver.Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by up to 50%. It also reduces resistance. That means lower fuel consumption and less CO emissions. Easy to install, easy to operate. PremiumBENEFITStechnology at affordable pricing. IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25%Made of composite materials for corrosion resistance and optimumFASTER ACCELERATIONperformance, Humphree Interceptor tabs are electric powered (12 or 24 volt)IMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEEDand made for a clean transom installation with no aft overhang to contend withLESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTaround docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSHUMPHREE CONTACTSSean Berrie Phone: 757 374 9435Brett Marshall Phone: 757 374 9720 www.humphree.comSEPTEMBER 2021 19 FOGHORN FOCUS: TECHNOLOGY'