b'About the Authors: AHMED HASSAN BRUCE STRUPPSENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER, MARINE SYSTEMS, HEAD OF CYBER SECURITY, ABB MARINE & PORTS ABB MARINE & PORTSAhmed Hassan is the head of cyber security at ABBBruce A. Strupp Jr. is a senior account manager at ABB. Marine and Ports. In this role, Ahmed is responsibleBruce is responsible for working with maritime owners, forworkingwithmaritimeowners,operators,operators,shipyardsandnavalarchitectstodevelop, shipyards and naval architects to develop, proposepropose and deliver complete propulsion systems that and deliver complete cyber security solutions fulfi llingreducevesselemissions,improvevesseloperational cybersecurityrecognizedinternationalstandards,efficiency and improve vessel, operator and passenger increase cyber security visibility, improve ability tosafety in the North American ferry market. Bruce has protect from and respond to cyber security attacks.over25yearsofcombinedglobalmaritimeindustry Ahmed has 15 years of experience in OT systems, withexperienceandhasworkedinmanydiff erentroles the focus on industrial automation. throughout his career.Engine power solutionspower up your excursion experienceCreating an edge for your excursion business relies on producing a more positive customer experience. With Scania engines powering your vessels, youre full speed ahead of the competition. Scania designs, engineers and builds marine engines famous for their power and reliability. Engine noise has been minimized to allow your customers to fully appreciate the sounds of nature, while alsoeasily hearing tour information and safety instructions from your crew.Scania marine engines produce high torque at low revolutions, resulting in exceptional maneuverability in tight harbors. Plus, Scanias record of proven performance, dependability, and superior support and service will keep your operation on schedule, today and tomorrow. Empower your operationwww.scaniausa.comSEPTEMBER 2021 15 FOGHORN FOCUS: TECHNOLOGY'