b"to identify acyber breach 4 , the need for shipsABB is also collaborating with cyber securitycompletedevicevisibilityandadvanced at sea to include robust fi rst lines of defense isspecialists on the IT side to combine theirthreatdetectiontoidentifyvulnerabilities only too clear.knowledgewiththecompany'sOTcyberquickly and make recommendations on how security expertise, in order to off er ownersto eliminate them. The solution also gives From 2021, a new IMO regulation respondingand operators the ability to proactively assess,crew an overview of all IT and OT IP-based to the rising threat at sea entered into force.protect, and maintain their system securitydevices in the cyber security asset inventory, TheU.N.bodysmandatorycybersecurityonboard.Thesolutionmeanscustomersshowing alerts for vulnerability and covering guidelinescoveringshipITandoperationalcanidentifyalldevicesconnectingtothethe cyber security needs of the ships entire technology systems mean that, no later thanships control systemnetworksand extractnetwork security. itsfi annualDocumentofComplianceinformation,thencentrallymonitorandrst audit after Jan. 1, 2021, ships must includeprotect the complete asset inventory. Atechnicalexplanationforfasterthreat cyber-securityriskassessmentintheirsafetydetectionandenhancedresponseliesin managementsystem.FailuretocomplymayThecombinationbringsspecifi cinsightspassiveOTmonitoring,wheremirrored result in the denial of port access or detention. intopre-attacksystemssecurity,whilenetwork messages are forwarded to the server theITcybersecuritypartnersprovideforscrutiny.Thisensurescontinuedhigh As a provider of integrated power, automation and control systems for ships, and a leading supplierofpoddedpropulsionforthe passengershippingindustry,PVAmember ABBhasidentifi edship-networkcyber securityasakeyareaforaction.IndoingSave time, increase revenue and so,thecompanysapproachisbasedonthe conviction that managing cyber security is amake better business decisions.careful balance between risk, functionality, and cost. In line with IMO principles, its approach covers assessment, controls, and training, butPassenger vessels have a unique set of needs from their management also maintenance, 24/7 event monitoring andsoftware. At RocketRez we have spent years building features to analytics, as well as response. automate your routine tasksso you can focus on running a great tour. In December 2020, ABB opened a dedicated laboratorytomodelcyber-securityrisks andhelpownerswiththeirriskexposure.Specialized booking tools InlinewithemergingtrendsacrosstheAdvanced Seat maps and Passenger shippingindustry,theseassessmentscanbe made remotely via secure networks. Also lastManifests connect for a seamless trip year,acruiseshipfeaturingthecompanysmanagement experience.solutionsbecamethefi vesseltoachieverst system compliance under the framework for integrated cyber security developed by DNV the worlds largest classifi cation society.Custom Scheduling and Capacity ManagementIn June 2021, ABBs automation, propulsion,Set up tour schedules, departure times and and switchboard systems for vessels were verifi edcapacities based on operating seasons. All boats as meeting DNVs class notation Cyber securefor the whole year, or individual boats month-SP0. This addresses cyber security for a vessels main functions and the owners operationalby-month, our smart software makes it easy!needs,encompassing10essentialfunctions such as power generation, propulsion, steering, and navigation. The new notation is signifi cant because IMO compliance requires collectionDont let the weather get in the way of data from the ships control and automationAutomated Trip Reminders and simplified systemsandaprocedureformitigationbut off ers no guidance on network cyber securityrefunding helps with the unpredictable part itself. Securing the voluntary Cyber secure SP0of outdoor tours.notationverifi esthecompanysautomation, propulsionandswitchboardsystemsas fully aligned with IMO guidelines for cyber risk management.All-in-one cloud softwarefor tours & attractionsSEPTEMBER 2021 13 FOGHORN FOCUS: TECHNOLOGY"