b'EXCELLENCE STARTS AT THE TOP: PVA Presidents Leading the PVA AT 50Association for 50 YearsBY KAREN RAINBOLT // FOGHORN MANAGING EDITORF or50yearsPVAhasbeenledbymembers withtheforesightandinitiativetoexecute their vision to ensure the continued success of the only national association dedicated to the U.S. passenger vessel industry. Foundingleaderscreatedtheorganizationbased on the need for insurance for their vessels. Later, the desire to broaden the scope of the membership to include members outside of inland rivers came from forward-thinking leadership. For a time, casino boatswerepopularattractionswiththeirown setofrequirementsandsoontheytoowereable tojointheassociationsranks.Whenindividuals heavily involved in marine operations, but werent business owners, were interested in the organization, associationleaderssuccessfullyrebrandedthePVA Past Presidents meet. Front row, L to R: Troy Manthey, Rick Mosteller, Terry MacRae, Alan scope and name from the National Association ofBernstein, Terry Wirginis. Back row, L to R: Gary Frommelt, Fred Hall, Jon Claughton, Mike Passenger Vessel Owners (NAPVO) to the PassengerBorgstrom, Terri Bernstein, Kevin Stier, Jay Spence, Bill Clark, Margo Marks.VesselAssociation(PVA).Soon,thegroundswell Establishing strong relationships with the Building communication platforms to keep ofnewoperatorswhojoinedandbecamemoreU.S. Coast Guard and other federal agencies; members informed;involved helped push other important industry and association advancements. Some of these included: Working with legislators to craft bills and Initiating security measures for the industry; The hiring of professional staffto managelaws that make sense;PVA and all its components;Developing a best green businessIntroducing a high-level educationalenvironmental practices program for vesselCreating a solid, industry-wide safety culture;convention and the only trade show foroperators;vessel operators; Enhancing the associations image with trade media; andRELAX. THIS JOURNEYS Partnering with closely aligned organizations to strengthen the maritime industry and solidifying PVAs position on POWERED BY CATERPILLAR. numerous fronts.When your cargo can talk, the stakes are high. WhenThe organization that exists today has its current you choose Caterpillar, you dont have to worry aboutandpastleaderstothank.Thesebusyvessel meeting your passengers high expectations foroperatorshavegenerouslygivenyearsoftheir reliable, safe, clean operation. Our engines set thecareers to help PVA succeed. This cadre of tireless standard, so everyone can sit back and enjoy the ride. volunteersrepresentnearlyeverytypeofvessel operations in the PVA membership: Dinner/music cruises,excursion/narratedtours,ferries,Duck Learn more about our Ferry and Cruise solutions boats, and nature/wildlife tours. They hail from all fi PVA Regions: Original Colonies, Southeast,ve Rivers,GreatLakes,andWestern.Inaddition, the size and scope of their vessel operations vary, off ering diff erent perspectives and representation of the overall U.S. passenger vessel industry. For more information, visit www.cat.com/marine 2020 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LETS DO THE WORK, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow, the Power Edge and Cat Modern Hex trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.PVA AT 50 20 FOGHORN'