b'Two recent experiences retold to WheelHouseDashboardviewsprovideahigh-levellooknumber of things that come up are few and Technologiesoff erpauseforthought.Anewinto an operation, whether its a single vesselfar between. clienthadrecentlyoverlookedreplacinganor an entire fl eet. This line-of-sight ensures O-ring on the fuel deck fi This led to waterthat everything is accounted for and servesWhile passenger vessels are not quite as heavilyll. entering the tank and mixing with the vesselsto highlight the critical importance of itemsregulatedastheaviationindustry,there fuel. As a result, the water needed to be drainedcoming due, guaranteeing that nothing goesare still ever-evolving regulations that need andthefuelpolished.Thefi bill?Northoverlooked. tobemet.Asoftware-basedmaintenancenal of $1,800all because of a small oversight ofmanagement solution off ers a means to meet maintenance on a simple component that takesJeremy White, Director of Marine Operationscompliances, streamline inspection processes, 10 minutes and costs less than $10 to replace.atHornblowerNiagaraCruises,isafi and guarantee that your operation meets notrm Another new client neglected to regularly replaceproponent in careful preparation to preventonly the legal requirements to keep operating, the anodes in their air conditioning raw waterproblems.but your own personal standards of safety.system. This oversight cost more than $20,000 in repair. Ouch. WehaveveryfewsuddenbreakdownsControl is now in the hands of the user. There becausewetakeaproactiveapproachtois no reason to leave anything to chance. That Itsexampleslikethesethathighlightthemaintenance instead of reactive, White says.lost page of paper doesnt need to be cause for critical importance of preventative maintenanceWe work more along the lines of an airlinepanic anymore. With a software-based marine managementandpractices.Thereisnowhere our operation must be safewe have somaintenance management solution, you can getting around the complexity of overall vesselmany passengers and have rapids and the fallsnow rest easy knowing that youre taking the management.Withregulatoryrequirementsto deal with, so it is a riskier environment. Toproactive approach and mitigating the risks on the rise, along with vessels getting more andmitigate risk, we work with manufacturers toassociated with unplanned maintenance.more complex every year, utilizing paper-baseddetermine mean time between overhauls; the solutions-orevenrelyingonmemorycan resultinacascadeofmaintenanceissuesand limited oversight capability.About the Author: In the passenger vessel sector, the fi andnancial operationalconsequencesextendbeyondtheCRAIG PARKHURSTcosts of repair. With unplanned maintenance, WHEELHOUSE TECHNOLOGIES, A BAXTER youpotentiallyexperiencealossofrevenue,MARINE GROUP COMPANYsignifi cant downtime for your vessel, or worse,CraigParkhurstistheChiefStrategyOfficer get a bad Google or Yelp review. Not only canatWheelhouseTechnologies,aBaxterMarine these repairs be costly in nature, the timelinesGroup Company. He has extensive professional required to fi x them adds even more to the bill. nautical experience and is a member of the PVA Yet all of this is easily preventable.Safety and Security Committee. Whilethefunctionalityofasoftware maintenancemanagementsolutionremains similartotheirpaper-basedancestors,they account for the increased reporting requirements, as well as a way to manage the complexity of a modern passenger vessel. Additionally, there is an added level of operational security and cross communication between crew and management. Thefunctionalityofsoftware-basedplatforms hasexpandedtoincludefeatureswellbeyond simple checklists.Forexample,comprehensivemaintenance schedules and integrated document libraries not only provide the means to ensure every facet of the vessel is maintained regularly but can alsoMaintenanceserveasaresourceonhowtoutilizeand/or implement specifi c items or maintenance tasks.Simplified!Withmobilecapabilities,thepowerofthese platforms now exists in the palm of the users hand. 17978-562-5211WheelHouseTech.comJUNE 2021 19 FOGHORN FOCUS: OPERATIONS'