b'NEWSWIREU.S. Department of Transportation Launches New Marine Highway Module of Port Planning and Investment ToolkitT h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o fin this comprehensive resource arethe Toolkit focuses on investments in TransportationsMaritimedesigned to aid ports in developingAmericas Marine Highways, which Administration (MARAD) launched,investment-grade project plans andcan help reduce traffi c congestion and on October 8, a new Marine Highwayobtaining capital for their projects in arelated pollution by moving cargoes module of the Port Planning andvariety of ways, including:off our crowded highways and onto Investment Toolkit (Toolkit), whichAssisting metropolitan and regionalto our nations navigable waterways.helps U.S. ports plan, evaluate, andplanning organizations and state Congested waterways have long fi agencies in qualifying for formulabeen an issue of concern for many PVAnance freight transportation projects. This easy-to-read, easy-to-understand,funding or aid;members in numerous areas around and easy-to-execute Toolkit, whichBetter positioning marine highwaythe nation. PVAs leadership, staff, and was produced as part of a coopera- projects for federal aid; andmembers have discussed solutions tive agreement between MARADAssisting ports in obtaining privatewith federal agencies and regulators in and the American Association of Portsector investments. recent years to help alleviate problems Authorities (AAPA), helps guide portsassociated with congested waterways.toward fruitful investments.By working together, we areThe marine highway module of theThe goal of the Port Planning andhelping to support investments inPort Planning and Investment Toolkit Investment Toolkit is to provide U.S.our ports that will pay dividendsprovides an overview of Americas ports with a common framework andfor years to come, said MaritimeMarine Highway Program and examples of best practices.The ana- Administrator Mark H. Buzby.I lytical tools and guidance containedam pleased that the new module ofNew Marine Highway Module, continued on page 47LET ASSUREDPARTNERS MCM MANAGEYOUR INSURANCE SO YOU CANFOCUS ON YOUR VOYAGEAssuredPartners MCM is a leading independent insurance brokerage based in the Pacic Northwest. Our marine practice group has more than 100 years of combined experience placing insurance and managing the marine industrys unique risks.Whether were working with vessel operators, builders, repair facilities or suppliers, we create specialized solutions that meet each clients needs.AssuredPartners MCMContact: Damon L. NasmanDirect Line: 206.262.6375Damon.Nasman@assuredpartners.comwww.assuredpartnersmcm.com46OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'