b'SAFETYMATTERSactual, alleged, or suspected criminalaccess to the Rules of the Road usingsuch as: Merchant Mariner Credential activity; carry firearms; execute andthe CGIS TIPS App, but you can reportfraud, sexual assault and/or abuse, serve warrants; and make arrests.suspected illegal charters. PVA hasbattery, homicide, TWIC fraud, drug These special agents are different thanbeen working with the Coast Guardor human traffi cking, environmental the Coast Guard Investigating Offi cersfor several years to get the reportingcrimes, terrorism, search and rescue who respond to marine casualties orfunctionality of the Boating Safetyhoaxes, suspicious activity, etc. mariner drug misconduct. App updated with illegal charter CGIS is comprised of a mix of activereporting, but technical issues haveIllegal Chartersduty military special agents, civiliangotten in the way.COVID-19 has made the illegal special agents, and special agentsJust as an individual can submitcharter situation much worse. As stay-who are members of the Coast Guardpictures with a report via the Boatingat-home restrictions were relaxing Reserve. These agents are spreadSafety App, the CGIS TIPS Appacross the country, peer-to-peer yacht out across the United States in eightaccepts pictures and video. One itemsharing platforms saw an uptick in regional offi ces and 35 Resident Agentthat is not automatic in CGIS TIPS iswebsite traffi c and boat rental sales as offices normally collocated at Coastthe latitude and longitude position ofcustomers gravitated toward hitting Guard Sectors. the reporting partys vessel. That mustthe water. One of the biggest platforms be done manually in the Informationreported more than a 36 percent Another App block of the report. increase in booking requests and 125 The CGIS TIPS App differs fromThe App is easy to use and oncepercent uptick in new website visitors the Coast Guards Boating Safety Appyou select Submit a Tip you willas the COVID-restricted summer that PVA has highlighted in that it ishave a menu of options to chooseseason got underway.focused on criminal activities. Youfrom including illegal charters. OtherAs we are aware, not all these cannot report a buoy off station or getoptions include felony-level violationsboatsharing services operate legally, NEW PRODUCTS, SAME LEVEL OF TRUST & DURABILITY.Introducing Highly Configurable Vessel System Monitoring & SMART Alarm Device Power Assist Get-homeSteeringDrivesStabilizers Reversing Thrusters Autopilot PumpKOBELT MANUFACTURING CO. LTD.+1 (604) 572-3935Surrey, BC, Canadawww.kobelt.com38OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'