b'FOGHORNFOCUS: MARINE PROPULSIONconcepts will influence U.S. regulatoryfrom small generator sets. When theseWhat are the space/weight/main-authorities as they consider the futuretechnologies of energy managementtenance impacts from a new fuel or of the domestic fleet. are combined with alternative fuels andenergy management approach?Passenger vessel operators cannew propulsion plant configurations,Does my appetite for risk match up reduce their environmental impactthe Fourth Industrial Revolution willto changing a fundamental part of through better management of energy.have arrived. my operation?This can range from: Analyses and Decisions Will reducing my operations envi-Reducing Energy (setting the air con- Designers, builders, and operatorsronmental impact attract customers ditioning at a higher temperature orof passenger vessels have many factorsand benefit my employees?reducing the vessel speed)to consider when evaluating the path toThe Fourth Industrial Revolution Shifting Energy (using the morea lower environmental impact. There iswill require the U.S. maritime efficient main engines to produceno clear winner among the alternativecommunity to change old habits and electricity through a gearboxfuels and propulsion plant technolo- get out of our comfort zone. The mounted generator rather than angies. Each operation must be evaluatedAssociate members of the Passenger independent generator set) as to the relevant external andVessel Association are a great source of Storing Energy (use batteriesinternal factors that impact emissions.information and assistance in analyzing powered by the engine whileQuestions to ask include the following: the trade-offs of different approaches. underway to provide all electricalCan I change my operation to reduceThe eternal message of the great waters, needs with the engine shut down atmy energy needs while still deliver- be they brown or blue, is that change is dockside)ing on my customer experience? inevitable. Find a course that works for The rapid development of largeAre there regulatory developmentsyour operation as you contemplate the capacity batteries is transforming thethat need to be evaluated? environment, how you impact it, and marine industry. This technology isWhat trade-off of capital andhow it will impact you. nespecially suited to vessels that spendoperating costs can my business significant time at dock and have rel- consider?atively short routes with low-speedIs there evolving infrastructure to operation. It is possible to have a vesselAboutcharge its batteries overnight and runprovide a reliable fuel supply chain? the Author throughout the day on that storedHow would my training needsJohn Waterhouse energy, perhaps supplemented duringchange with different technologies/ is a founding the day by interim charging at a dock orfuels? partner of Elliott Bay Design Group, Seattle, WA, and has 40+ years of experience in naval architecture and marine engineering.Today, he is a Principal EBDG and is Chairman of the Board. His experience includes work www.rigidized.com/marine.php for Washington State Ferries, Alaska marine@rigidized.com Marine Highway System, Lindblad Expeditions, Staten Island Ferry (NYC DOT), Argosy Cruises, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Hornblower, and The Steamship Authority.He has led vessel design teams, overseen salvage operations, conducted ADA surveys, consulted on hydrodynamics, and investigated alternative propulsion systems. A frequent speaker and prolific writer, Mr. Waterhouse received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from UC Berkeley, his MS in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from MIT, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Washington, North Carolina, Louisiana, and New York.providing durability and beauty to NYCs newest ferries24OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'