b'FOGHORNFOCUS: MARINE PROPULSIONGreener Propulsion:Whats Next After Diesel FuelBy John W. Waterhouse, PE, PMP, Elliott Bay Design GroupThe Fourth Marine Industrial Revolution are threatening global wetlands, Marine heatwaves This year of 2020 has been one of tumult. There is a globalcan strengthen hurricanes, and Redefining drought in pandemic that is crashing businesses around the world,the U.S. corn belt. The average global temperature has which will lead to economic impacts at national, regional,increased by two degrees from the pre-industrial era (1880 and local levels. There are regional conflicts and political 1900) according to the U.S. National Oceanographic and upheavals with Europe facing Brexit, the Middle EastAtmospheric Administration (NOAA).struggle between Sunni and Shia factions, South AmericaThe activities of people have an impact on the planet and struggling with social unrest amid strong arm politics, andtherefore on the climate. We need to examine those activities Africa dealing with insurgent military groups and deep cor- and make smart choices on ways to change our activities and ruption. Let us not even discuss the United States. reduce our impact. In the marine sector, we need a Fourth Behind all the other issues, we have seen numerousIndustrial Revolution. reminders that the climate is changing. There have been aA review of shipping history shows three previous record number of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, devastat- industrial revolutions that changed the way ships were ing forest fires along the U.S. West Coast, new record lowsdesigned, constructed, and operated. The first was the for the polar ice cap coverage, food insecurity in Africa, andtransition in the 1800s from wooden sailing ships to iron devastating heat waves in the U.S. and India. Headlinesconstruction and steam power. In the early years of the from the October 10 Science Daily website include Droughts20th century, we saw the second shift from using coal as the Figure 1 - Sources and Uses of Energy in the United States .Source: https://flowcharts.llnl.gov/20OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'