b'FOGHORNFOCUS: MARINE PROPULSION& Marinas, the marina has been in the process of replacingHamiltonJets propulsion systems in tour boats, water taxis, aging vessels with new boats. After considering variousand commercial fi shing vessels throughout the West.options, Knowlton and his team came to the conclusionCascade Engine Center and the boat builder have that an aluminum tour boat with jet propulsion would behad a long-term relationship, stated Carl Micu of John the best fi t on Lake Powell. Jet propulsion makes it easier toDeere Power Systems and is based in Waterloo, IA. These get around on the lake and helps avoid damage to the vessel. long-term relationships build trust between engine manu-He also pointed out that jet propulsion offers exception- facturers, engines distributors, builders and ultimately, the al maneuverability. With one engine in forward and twooperator. This is a perfect example of these relationships.in reverse, the boat turns 360 degrees on a dime and canCascade Engine Center recommended John Deere walk sideways for easy docking. The captains operatingPowerTech 6090SFM85 marine engines for Lady Emma. the vessel really enjoy the maneuverability and versatilityThe team paired the John Deere 9.0L marine engines with that the marine propulsion system offers in narrow passages,HamiltonJet 322 waterjets through a ZF transmission with such as Antelope Canyon, Knowlton said. a 1:1 gear ratio. The result? Lady Emma is the fastest in the Picking the Right Marine Engine Pros marinas fl eet, capable of reaching a top speed of 45 knots.Lady Emma was built in Idaho. When selecting a powerAramark at Lake Powell Resorts & Mzrinas is now source for the jet propulsion system, Knowlton leaned on thebuilding another triple-engine vessel. The new jet-pro-advice of the boat builder who recommended PVA Associatepulsion tourism vessel measures 68 feet in length and will member John Deere Power Systems marine enginesbe powered by three John Deere PowerTech 6135SFM85 supplied and installed by PVA Associate member Cascademarine engines. nEngine Center. Cascade Engine Center has years of experi-ence pairing John Deere engines with PVA Associate memberKaren Rainbolt, FOGHORN Managing Editor, contributed to this article.18OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'