b'LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORChange is the Only Constant addresses, product demonstrations and more. We also will feature a MariTrends Exhibit Hall, Over the years PVA members have regularlywhere each PVA Associate member will have commented on the incredible resiliency andtheir own page to list contact information, a creativity of the passenger vessel industrylink to their website and/or a company video at-large.Economic conditions, weather, highand a description of the company.We hope water, or any number of situations havethat you will choose to participate.Please stay presented challenges for our industry overtuned for new dates and future convention in-time.And, PVA members have steadfast- John Groundwater formation.ly responded, changed operating practices where necessary and forged aheadPVA Continues to Advocate for AdditionalWhile it is safe to say that the coronavirus pandemicEmergency Funding has had the most far-reaching and lingering negativeUnfortunately, as of this writing, both Congress and the impact on all corners of the passenger vessel industry, PVAAdministration have failed to agree on a Phase 4 stimulus members who are operating are coping with ever-chang- package, which is sorely needed by PVA members. As a ing federal, state and city coronavirus rules, stringentresult, PVA staff is pulling out all the stops to communi-reopening procedures, and severely reduced passengercate the need for additional emergency funding for PVA levels.Despite these daunting challenges, the industrymembers who continue to be impacted by the lingering continues to persevere. coronavirus pandemic.The initial round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was not intended to last this Newly Formed PVA Marketing Advisory Committee long and PVA has been stressing the importance of Our association is changing also as it works to expandlaunching another round of PPP which would allow PVA its array of programs and activities that benefit PVAmembers who have already received PPP funds to essen-members.This month, the PVA Board of Directors votedtially double dip. to approve the establishment of a new PVA Marketing Advisory Committee that will explore opportunities for thePassenger Vessels and 9/11development of a program to market the passenger vesselFollowing the terrorist attacks on the World Trade industry nationally. Center 19 years ago this month, PVA member ferry This committee will be made up of individuals rep- operators and other vessels participated in the largest resenting many different passenger vessel industrysea evacuation in history. In the documentary entitled segments and will also involve PVA members who haveBOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11, narrator Tom Hanks marketing and social media experience.The PVA Boarddescribes the heroism of these vessel operators in what is looking to the PVA Marketing Advisory Committee foris called the largest sea evacuation in history.According recommendations about the development of strategies,to the documentary, more than 500,000 individuals were methodologies, goals, and measures of success to create arescued that day from Manhattan by boats in less than nine marketing program that will successfully evolve and growhours.PVA has posted this important and captivating doc-over the years. umentary on its Facebook page.I encourage you to view it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDOrzF7B2KgPlanning Underway for a Virtual PVA MariTrends 2021 As you know, in August the PVA Board of DirectorsYour Membership:We are Ready, But Only When You Are voted unanimously to cancel the PVA Annual ConventionIf you have paid your 2020 PVA membership dues, at MariTrends 2021, originally scheduled in February inthank you for your support.If you have been unable to Portland, Oregon.This action was taken because of thepay your dues, please know that PVA will continue to ongoing coronavirus pandemic and out of concern for theprovide you with all the services that go along with it. health and safety of our members. To assist in making thisLikewise, if you use the PVA Alternate Security Program difficult decision we distributed a questionnaire to all PVA(ASP) it will also remain in effect.Please know that we Vessel and Associate members.A majority of respondentswill continue to stand with you, knowing that you will pay who indicated a willingness to attend MariTrends 2021your PVA membership dues when you are able.expressed concern about attending a face-to-face event.In the meantime, please let me know if we can be of any Sixty five percent of PVA Vessel Member respondents andassistance to you.45 percent of Associate Member respondents said they areSincerely,very or somewhat likely to attend a virtual convention. PVA staff has begun working on the virtual MariTrends 2021 and we are excited about prospects for this reimag-ined event.We intend to develop an in-depth, althoughJohn R. Groundwatersmaller, program consisting of education sessions, keynoteExecutive Director nSEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN 5'