b'LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENTThe ImportanceMariTrends and Regional Meetingsof a Close Community The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to unfold. Recently, the PVA Board Trusted Networksof Directors made the decision to cancel all No matter when, but particularly in timesin-person Region Meetings for 2020 and to of crisis, trusted networks can be the mosthold a virtual version of the PVA Annual valuable resource available. Trusted friends,Convention at MariTrends 2021. coworkers, business associates, and mentorsThis decision was made after surveying are often the best place to turn to share ideas,Colleen Stephens Associate and Vessel members, discussing learn new approaches to problem solving,options with region representatives, and and sometimes to simply commiserate.working with the host communities/facili-I am certain that each PVA Vessel member, Associateties. All outreach indicated that the best path forward member, staff member and contractor can reflect onis to concentrate the organizations efforts to hosting the value of the networksa virtual event that will that they have developedprovide valuable program-through their participa- ing to allow us to continue tion in this association. Theto access the trusted PVA interactions and supportnetworks that we rely on. found within PVA is oftenIn the weeks ahead, PVA stated as one of the mainstaff, committees, and the reason stay active as aBoard will be working on member.the details of what a virtual PVA Annual Convention Continuing theat MariTrends 2021 will Conversation include. We know that Currently our membersthe benefits of our typical are not just navigating theannual gathering are the impacts of pandemic. Weeducational/information are also figuring out howsessions as well as the net-to ensure safety for theirworking between vessel coworkers and guestsoperators and associate during a time of unrestmembers. It may be chal-in our communities andlenging to preserve all of working to rebuild afterthe networking oppor-weather events.tunities in a virtual envi-PVA members are con- ronment, but we will be tinuing to rely on each othermaking a concerted effort to succeed by participat- to try. If you have ideas ing in PVA Committee andfor content and how we Board Meetings or by or- can creatively, in a socially ganizing their own virtualThe PVA Safety and Security Committee meets virtually to discuss importantdistant way, provide mem-gatherings. Listening to theissues facing the passenger vessel industry and stay connected with each other. ber-to-member interaction guidance and ideas sharedand networking opportuni-between businesses at these sesisons is encouraging. Forties, please share them with us. example, most recently during the PVA Emerging LeadersThe voices of PVA members drive the direction of this Committees zoom meeting, the conversation strayedassociation. Thank you all for continuing to bring forward away from vessel operations and guest management inideas that will benefi t everyone. our current COVID world to discussing ways to protect coworkers as they travel to/from work in cities with unrest. Another amazing resource that members of the PVA Safety and Security Committee are making available to all PVA members is the examples of their companyColleen Stephens outreach and educational tools on COVID-19.President n4SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN'