b'SAFETYMATTERSon small passenger vessels. PVA haswhat the naval architects indicate onturer. There must be a balance between historically been very active in localthe drawing.This can cause issuesdetail and fl exibility.industry days as a way for PVA staffbecause in the past a plan did notThe Coast Guard commented it is and members to address topics ofneed to indicate a brand or manufac- not uncommon for the MSC to want interest or concern with the local Coastture, only its UL (or other approved)to review previously approved plans Guard and provide an industry per- listing and applicable features. Thewhere there is an interface with new spective the Coast Guard would notlocal marine inspector would verify theinstallations. This leads to a request get otherwise.component met the regs and the specsthat the owner of the vessel or the naval The genesis of this event was theon the drawing regardless of manufac- architect in their employ provide pre-perceived and, in some cases, actual delays members were experiencing trying to get electrical plans approved by the MSC. In addition, the Coast Guard was concerned about the quality and level of detail submitted bywww.rigidized.com/marine.phpindustry to initiate and complete themarine@rigidized.complan review process in a timely manner. The event was originally planned for May 2020 in Alexandria, VA, but again the pandemic prevented an in-person meeting.While the Coast Guard saw this Industry Day as an opportunity listen and to get direct feedback on the plan review process, there were certain areas covered as part of the agenda:Plan SubmittalReducing the Do LoopRevisions to Previously Approved DrawingsReconsideration and Appealsproviding durability and beauty to NYCs newest ferriesIndustry Day HighlightsCaptainScottKelly,the Commanding Offi cer of the MSC, set the tone of the discussions right up front by saying that we are all focused on the same common goals, plans approved as quickly as possible while maintaining the safety of the industry. He also indicated the Electrical Branch was now fully staffed and ready to work with the industry.The Coast Guard provided anRELIABLE POWER FOR A overview of the plan review processDEMANDING SCHEDULEand indicated that in some cases there was a lack of documentation submitted,Your business cant compromise when it comes to maintaining a demanding schedule. Thats why which resulted in back and forth sub- customers count on reliable John Deere PowerTech missions that delayed approval. Themarine engines. With high torque and low-rated rpm, industry representatives discussed theJohn Deere engines deliver dependable power and level of detail required by the MSCquiet operation.to show compliance with the regula- Full power range of marine engines 60 to 559 kw (80 to 750 hp)tions can be problematic. For example, shipyards sometimes stock compo- JohnDeere.com/Marinenents that are not the same brand as SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN 35'