b'PVA WORKING FOR YOUand other electronic methods including Rich Site Summarypublicly available, user friendly mobile and Internet means also known as Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, email,will contribute to improving the level of safety for everyone and other means such as web-based graphic interfaces.on the water. For a number of years, PVA has been encourag-Also the proposed new system of notifi cation distribution ising safe sharing of the waterways. In its response to the Coast currently being tested in the Fifth Coast Guard District. Guard on the BNM changes, PVA highlighted concerns that In the associations comments to the Coast Guard, PVAthe nations waterways are becoming more congested, with 2020 President Colleen Stephensusers of all experience levels, and as stated, PVA operators are committedtraffi c increases so does the risk of mis-to safety and understand the valuePVA operators are committedcommunication, dangerous close calls, of the time- sensitive and location- to safety and understand theor even worse accidents.relevant navigation safety informa- value of the time- sensitive andThe Coast Guards proposal also tion, which the BNM provides to allincludes visual, real-time updates on waterway users. PVA agrees with thelocation-relevant navigationgraphic interfaces and downloadable Coast Guards goals for this change,safety information, which thechart overlays that show the locations and its enactment will have a positiveBNM provides to allwhere pertinent marine safety infor-impact on reaching a greater numberwaterway users. mation applies. Displaying the navi-of mariners, expanded convenience,gational aid changes overlaid on a and improved timeliness of distribu- chart will visually help the mariner tion. process the information in a more PVA also pointed out that this benefits not only com- complete context. Not everyone has the intimate knowledge mercial operators but also recreational boaters as well. Notof a licensed pilot or regular waterway user, such as ferries every boater has a VHF radio but practically everyone has aor other harbor craft, who frequents familiar water routes. cell phone and can receive mobile updates. This proposal toPVA is working for you to keep you notifi ed of the latest make vital navigational information more accessible throughupdates in Coast Guard communications. nRefit & RepairAugust 2020 Launch of C HICAGOSE MERALDL ADY Quality Commercial Vessels. Built by Burger to Your RequirementsBurger is recognized worldwide for quality custom vessels that provide years of dependable service.Aluminum and Steel FabricationRefit and Repair Services Passenger Vessels- Hull Plate Replacement +1 920.686.5117 Water Taxis- Exterior and Interior Coatings sales@burgerboat.com Wind Farm Support Vessels- Engine & Generator Repowers50 Aluminum Cruiser burgerboatcommercial.com Crew Supply Vessels- All Vessel System Repairs Other Vessels to 260 (80m)- Interior Refresh Proudly built in the USASEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN 33'