b'PVA WORKING FOR YOUHow PVA Bene ts YouBy Jen Wilk, Director, Public AffairsPVA Working for You on Coast Guards and Development Proposed Broadcast Notice Mariners PlanO ver the years, weve seen howNotices to Mariners, to include mobile,on marine VHF Channel 22A, and leveraging new technologyInternet, and other electronic methods.usually follow a brief announcement can advance the goal of safety(Docket Number: USCG-2020-0187)on Channel 16. You may also know by enhancing communications on theThe Coast Guards broadcast noticesthat the information in these alerts to water. PVA knows that making it easierto mariners (BNMs) share updatesmariners are later consolidated into to receive timely updates about navi- about the status of aids-to-navigationlocal notices to mariners documents, gational conditions and marine events(for example buoys, beacons, andwhich are published weekly by each can go a long way in continuouslylights), navigational hazards, maritimeCoast Guard District. Local notices to improving safe operations.events, and other locally relevant safetymariners documents are distributed Thats why PVA recently submittedinformation. These notifications areat https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/ comments in support of the U.S. Coastgeographically targeted to best benefi tLNM. Guards new proposal to expand theiroperators in a specifi c area.The proposed BNMs would be distribution of scheduled navigationTypically, scheduled broadcastsexpanded to new methods of informa-safety messages, known as Broadcastonly occur every six to twelve hourstion delivery, such as mobile, internet, NEW PRODUCTS, SAME LEVEL OF TRUST & DURABILITY.Introducing Highly Configurable Vessel System Monitoring & SMART Alarm Device Power Assist Get-homeSteeringDrivesStabilizers Reversing Thrusters Autopilot PumpKOBELT MANUFACTURING CO. LTD.+1 (604) 572-3935Surrey, BC, Canadawww.kobelt.com32SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN'