b'REGULATORYREPORTSigni cant Maritime By Peter Lauridsen, Accident Investigations: PVA Regulatory Affairs Consultant Present and PastT wo significant maritimepassenger, crew and vessels. In bothmature and contribute to future safety accidents over the past fewcases, public evidence and informa- of life and property. The following is years involving fatalities ontion gathering has been restricted duefrom offi cial reports about the incident.passenger-carrying vessels has led toto potential felony action involvingOn 20 October 1976, at about 0615 the convening of the U.S. Coast Guardprincipal parties involved in the ca- (all times CDT), the Norwegian Tanker Marine Board of Investigation (MBI).sualties. Information gathering notSS Frosta and the American Ferry M/VThe process will eventually lead toinvolving these critical witnesses isGeorge Prince collided at Mile 120.8 public detailed reports that give theongoing.above the passes (AHP) on the Lower Coast Guard information necessaryWhile we await the completion ofMississippi River. M/V George Princeto determine appropriate responsesthe Coast Guard MBI there exists awas struck on the portside, amidships in keeping with its authorities and re- previous catastrophic passenger vesselby the bow of Frosta, pushed upriver sponsibilities regarding superinten- casualty that may give insight into howa short distance and then capsized to dence of commercial vessel safety ofthese delayed investigations mightstarboard throwing her full load of WORLD CLASS VESSEL DESIGNHIGH VALUE SHIPYARD SUPPORTTRUSTED OWNER AGENTBMT provided engineering and technical support for Golden Gate Ferries in the repower and refurbishments of the Spaulding-class vessels M.S. MARIN, M.S. SONOMA, and M.S. SAN FRANCISCOContact us at 703-920-7070 or inquiries@bmtdp.comSEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN 27'