b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGYCrew: Log books/schedulingwith privacy issues.system on September 1 that is designed software should tell you who wasEarlier this month, Apple andto automatically alert people if they working where and when the infectedGoogle announced that they are tryingmight have been exposed to the coro-person was in your operation. to get more U.S. states to adopt theirnavirus. This technology could make Apps: Several software developersphone-based approach for tracing andit much easier for people to get the tool have launched contact tracing applica- curbing the spread of the coronaviruson their phone even if their local public tions to help identify potentially sickby building more of the necessary tech- health agency hasnt built its own com-people. Most have had limited successnology directly into phone software.patible App.either by effectiveness or from accep- The tech giants launched the second tance by the public who are concernedphase of their exposure notifi cationDisinfecting TechFor months, PVA membersboth Vessel and Associatehave been cleaning their facilities, offices, and vessels with an array of disinfecting cleansers with good results.Now, a new option may be available. In August, American Airlines revealed that they are using a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved technological resource to disinfect surfaces, such as passenger seating, on their planes for up to seven days: Ultraviolet-C (UVC) light. And, the FDA recently issued safety guidance applicable to hotel, resort,restaurants and other businesses and Hybrid & Zero Emission Solutions industries regarding UVC light safety, usages, best practices, and the viability ABB is making sustainable solutions a reality of using UVC to eradicate harmful for ferries accross Americas.Learn more at: viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and micro-new.abb.com/marine organisms. No chemicals are involved. Handheld wands or overhead units claim to effectively destroy germs. FOGHORN reached out to Allied BioScience, maker of Surfacewise 2, the device used by American Airlines, about the use of its product in a marine environment but has not yet received a response. Touchless Ticketing Skipping the line is another way to social distance. By eliminating in-person ticket sales for boarding vessels, theres less face-to-face inter-action, which could reduce chances for infection. Having a ticketing/res-ervation system that allows customers to book their cruise on their online or through an App reduces contact. Using handheld scanners to scan the barcode on tickets on mobile devices rather than touching a passengers ticket further reduces contact and may speed up the boarding process. 20SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN'