b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGYsystems generally have been showndisease? Each of the methods describedperature and researchers have found to accurately measure someonesabove have drawbacks. Non-contactthat thermal imaging is not effective surface skin temperature withoutforehead scanners requires having atat determining if someone defi nitively being physically close to the personleast one person in your organizationhas COVID-19 because, among other being evaluated. Thermal imagingtaking the temperature of everyonethings, a person with COVID-19 may systems offer certain benefits in thatwho seeks to enter the facility, whichnot have a fever. A diagnostic test must other methods need a closer proximitycan create bottlenecks and ensures closebe performed to determine if someone or contact to measure temperature (forcontact (less than 6 feet in distance) inhas COVID-19, the FDA reported. example, non-contact infrared ther- order to obtain an accurate reading. Furthermore, these systems may not mometers or oral thermometers). Thermal imaging systems arebe suited for passenger vessel opera-So, is temperature screeningexpensive, require quite a bit oftions as the federal agency says they effective to detect the novel coronavirusdistance to capture someones tem- have not been shown to be accurate when used to take the temperature of multiple people at the same time. The accuracy of these systems depends on careful set-up and operation, as well as proper preparation of the person being evaluated. Specifi cally the FDA said Public Tickets &that places like workplaces, airports Private Charters or other areas with large groups of .together at last people would not be well suited for using thermal scanning for mass fever screenings. Diagnostic testing may be too difficult because of the time and EFFORTLESSEFFORTLESS costs needed to screen and get results, RESERVATIONS CONTRACTS according to the FDAs website. + TICKETING for Private Charters Is Fever Scanning Bene cial?for Public Cruises and Group Bookings According the World Health Organization (WHO), temperature scans may not be as effective as once Integrated online,Custom PDF contractsthought for preventing the spread of phone and walk-upwith fully-trackableCOVID-19. Temperature screening bookings versioning alone, at exit or entry, is not an effective way to stop international spread, Automated conrmation,Support for privatesince infected individuals may be in reminder and follow-upcharters, schools and emails tour groups incubation period, may not express apparent symptoms early on in the Marketing and SearchDetailed reports forcourse of the disease, or may dissimu-Engine Optimizationevent planning andlate fever through the use of antipyret-(SEO) nancial tracking aspirin,acetaminophen and ibuprofen) ; ics (NSAIDs and pain relievers such as Personalized set-up,in addition, such measures require sub-training and supportResource tracking forstantial investments for what may bear included multi-use inventory little benefi ts. It is not surprising that WHO rec-ommends what the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has strongly advocated since the outbreak Manage your entirebegan in the US: It is more effective business from a single,to provide prevention recommenda-integrated platform tion messages to travelers and to collect health declarations at arrival, with travelers contact details, to allow for a SCHEDULE A DEMO proper risk assessment and a possible WWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COM contact tracing of incoming travelers. 18SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN'