b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGYTech Trends 2020: COVID-19 EditionBy Karen Rainbolt, FOGHORN Managing EditorF ighting the novel coronavirus has been a battle on many fronts, including a technological attack to keep people, offices, facilities, and vessels safe. The following are some of the tech tools trending now across the country aimed at the reducing the threat of COVID-19.Before acquiring or implementing any of the technologies listed here, check with your state and/or local health departments to determine if its appropriate for your organization and community.Thermal scans may detect fevers with non-contact tech. Source: US Food and Drug AdministrationTemperature Scanning is not uncommon, many organiza- fast results. Sources claim that the Because a fever is a recognizedtions require the individual to assent toforehead scanners are also extremely symptom of COVID-19, it is a naturalhaving their temperature taken onsite.accurate at identifying fever. inclination to determine whether or notThere are several ways to doThermal Imaging Systemsa person has a fever before allowingthis, including non-contact foreheadThese advanced systems use them to partake in activities, such asscanners and thermal imaging systems.infrared technology to measure tem-board a passenger vessel either asNon-Contact Forehead Scanners perature. According to the U.S. Food an employee or a passenger. WhileNon-contact forehead scanners areand Drug Administration (FDA), simply asking if someone has a feverinexpensive, easy to use, and provideWhen used correctly, thermal imaging 16SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN'