b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGYOnboard Audio in a Post-Pandemic WorldBy Sally Moore, Listen TechnologiesW hile online solutions such as Zoom have enabled many to work from home, onsite attendance is crucial for the transportation industry. Technology can be a lifesaver for transportation and travel operators as government mandated protocols regulate the reopening of business after the current pandemic. Following are apps and solutions that allow enroute communication while ensuring passengers and crew stay safely apart from others.Mobile devices offer safe new ways to share onboard information with travelers. Credit: Listen TechnologiesBring-Your-Own Device (BYOD) use their own phones or house provided devices. This As more people take their smart devices with them whenallows people to maintain safe distance from others without they travel and personal phones have become essentialsacrifi cing sound volume or quality, and they can choose the in everyday interaction, new technologies are availablecontent they want to listen to, regardless of what channels that deliver high quality sound to travelers devices.others have chosen. The added benefit of not touching Transportation and travel operators can send passengerscontrols or other devices minimizes spread of germs on clear, reliable messages on safety protocols, sites, amenities,shared surfaces and supports the disinfecting process to and arrival and promotional information. Personalized appsmaintain safety protocols. allow travelers to make their own choices about language,Audio Guide Hearing Systemssubject matter, purchasing options, and the information theyGiving live tours in a post-pandemic world is a challenge want to receive. Passenger vessel operators can leverageas guides struggle to be heard and gather enough people data collected and analyzed to build customer profi les andto make tours worthwhile onboard. A listening system preferences, and track sales. Even without Wi-Fi enroute,that allows guides and visitors to stand apart and still new technology for BYOD is reliable and the soundcommunicate ensures that everyone can have a good consistent and predictable. And the user has the comfort andexperience on tour. Using a two-way system that allows safety of using their own device, making it easier for them tocomments and questions from participants and instructionnd what they want and listen to what most interests them. from the guide, or a one-way system that ensures clear fiWi-Fi Apps and Sound Systems delivery of tour information while maintaining distances Once people start to congregate in enclosed spaces,of several yards has the double benefi t of allowing guests such as onboard bars, canteens and presentation rooms,to fully explore the sights and maintain safe distance from listening to the speaker, TVs, or music of their choice whileothers. social distancing can be challenging. With a simple app andMulti-language Deliveryin-house server, vessel operators can provide cinematicFilling a tour to capacity and within social distancing sound for each channel they choose to provide. Patrons useguidelines means operators need as much flexibility as a QR code to download the personalized app and tune inpossible on who can board at any given time. Having multi-to the channel they want to hear, whether that be music,channel delivery means operators can let travelers choose a presenter, a sporting event, or TV program. Guests canthe language they want to listen to for a more enjoyable, 12SEPTEMBER 2020FOGHORN'