b'NEWSWIRESBA Pandemic Aid Programs Encounter DicultiesThe Paycheck Protection Programapplicant may receive in funds. EIDLthese responsibilities to the Small (PPP) and the Economic Injuryassistance must be paid back, althoughBusiness Administration, a relatively Disaster Loan (EIDL) are two Smallit supposed to provide a quick upminor federal agency.In its history, the Business Administration (SBA) effortsfront payment of $10,000 that does notSBA never processed more than 60,000 intended to assist eligible small busi- have to be paid back under certain cir- loan applications in a single year, but nesses contend with the economiccumstances. it has been faced with dealing with crisis occasioned by the coronavi- Many of these problems stem fromhundreds of thousands of applications rus outbreak.Each have had itsthe fact that Congress chose to assignin a matter of a few weeks. ntroubles.Nevertheless, numerous PVA members have received some amount of temporary assistance, particularly through PPP. Customizable High Tunnel PPP ran out if its first allocationCAT Platformof funds in a matter of days, leaving many applicants hanging and frus-trated.Congress then injected another $310 billion into the program, enabling lenders and the SBA to resume process-ing applications.The defects of the original PPP leg-islation are now evident.In addition to insufficient appropriations, these problems include:the programs June 30 expiration date; the rule that a loan is forgivable only if 75 percent is applied to payroll expenses, and the exclusion of some critical costs (for instance, insurance) from the allowable uses of PPP funds.PVA has recommendedSetting the Standard for Passenger Comfortto Congress that it amend the PPP program to correct these problems.www.armstrongmarine.com | sales@armstrongmarine.com | (360) 457-5752The EIDL program has been par-ticularly plagued with overwhelming demand, leading to processing delays and confusion as to how much an SCHOLARSHIP, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 40information from both the individual applying for the grant and his/her supervisor, so starting the application process now is suggested.The PVF Scholarship program promotes professionalism, safety, and opportunity within the fi eld for those individuals currently employed byPropelling Passenger Vesselspassenger vessel operators. Grants are awarded with a focus on educa- Taking passenger vessels to new horizons with the tional assistance, research, trainingfuture-proof technology of Siemens SiSHIP BlueDrive +C and the improvement of safetyand Energy Storage systems.within the maritime industry.Complete the online application here or go to www.pvfoundation. usa.siemens.com/marinecom. nMAY 2020FOGHORN 41Foghorn_MarchPreview_2020_Ad_4.625x3.5.indd 1 2/17/2020 10:58:41 AM'