b'PVA WORKING FOR YOUTSA strongly recommends individu- members to use to meet their regu- free to contact the PVA staff should als make an appointment, and notlatory requirements and is alreadyyou have any questions or concerns walk-in to an enrollment center.Coast Guard-approved. While opera- regarding the PVA Alternate Security This will ensure a notification if thetions will continue to practice socialProgram or security compliance in appointment is canceled, and willdistancing, your larger vessels shouldgeneral. PVA staff is here to help you allow the center to limit the number ofstill have the most capacity and flex- solve business challenges that arise, people arriving at one time. TSAs fullibility to handle possible demand. Feelespecially during this time. nguidance on TWIC enrollment centers can be found here.Security Posture While Shut-DownIf your vessels are not operating, Coast Guard and PVA suggestIs Electric you adopt a seasonal posture when it comes to security require- Right For ments. Similar to when some are not operating due to the off-season, review your security assessmentsYou?and evaluate how this proportionally scales down your counter measures as well. Your company will still need to fill the roles of Company (CSO) and Facility Security Officer (FSO) you may need to shift these responsibilities if there are employee furloughs.Most companies security programLets talk about itdesignates the vessel master as a Vessel Security Officer (VSO) when the vessel has passengers on board.Torqeedo Inc. T +1 (815) 444 8806In this time where vessels are idle171 Erick Street, Unit A - 1 usa@torqeedo.comand companies are laying off crew,Crystal Lake, IL 60014 www.torqeedo.coma VSO is not required when a vessel is not in operation and control of the security of the vessel can be conducted by the FSO and CSO. Additionally, like seasonal operations, drills and exercises will be limited. Typically, when vessels are in operation, drills are required every three months. Exercises that test pro-ficiency on all aspects of a security program are required annually. An exercise can take the place of one of the required quarterly drills. In addition, drills, which test only portions of the program, are usually required once every three months. However, during a period of non-operation, drills are suspended, and once operations resume a drill must be conducted within a month after reactivation.PVA Alternate Security ProgramA reminder that PVAs Alternative Security Program is available for MAY 2020FOGHORN 37'