b'PVA WORKING FOR YOUHow PVA Benefits YouBy Jen Wilk, Director, Public AffairsSecurity Updates During the COVID-19 Pandemicand DevelopmentM any federal agenciesexpired TWICs during the COVID-19Security Administration (TSA) and the have been issuing policypandemic. Review full Coast GuardCoast Guard, a notice was distributed guidance to address the op- MSIB on TWIC here.from TSA as well regarding the TWIC erational challenges created by theprogram.closures as a result of the COVID-19TWIC Readers Enforcement Delayed TSA issued a notice granting pandemic. The number of theseThe Coast Guard has also extendedtemporary extension of the expiration notices seem overwhelming as youthe enforcement date of the TWICdate of certain Transportation Worker juggle a variety of business challeng- Reader Rule until October 5, 2020.Identification Credentials. For TWICs es every day. PVA knows that main- For PVA members, the requirementexpiring between March 1, 2020, and taining a vigilant security posture isfor TWIC readers is limited to onlyJuly 31, 2020, the exemption extends crucial as well, even if your companythose facilities that receive vesselsthe validity of a TWIC for 180 days is not operating. PVA is working forfor an individual whose TWIC would you to streamline and highlight theotherwise expire during the effective policy information that is importantUnder the 46 CFR 10.203(b),period of the exemption. TSA may to you.failure to hold a valid TWIC mayextend this exemption at a future In April, the U.S. Coast Guardserve as grounds for suspensiondate depending on the status of the issued a Marine Safety InformationCOVID-19 National Emergency. More Bulletin (MSIB) Number 13-20 titledor revocation of a merchantinformation on the TWIC exemption, COVID-19 Transportation Workermariner credential (MMC). Theincluding FAQs, is found on its website. Identification Credential (TWIC)Coast Guard will not pursue anyThis TSA Exemption Notice applies Operations. This notice discussedsuspension and revocation actionsto expired cards only. It is important to policy allowances by Coast Guardbased on expired TWICs duringremember for access control and veri-when it comes to TWIC securitythe COVID-19 pandemic. fication that expired TWIC cards do requirements. Admiral Richardnot appear on the Cancelled Card List. Timme, U.S. Coast Guard AssistantThis TSA exemption does not apply Commandant for Prevention Policy,to any credential on the Cancelled stated in the MSIB, when compliancecertified to carry more than 1,000 pas- Card Lists. TWICs appearing on the with these regulations cannot reason- sengers. PVA actively worked withCancelled Card Lists are ineligible for ably be met as a result of COVID-19,Coast Guard to reevaluate the risk as- use at any time. the Coast Guard will exercise flexibil- sessment to exclude smaller vessels ity to prevent undue delays. and there facilities from this require- Impact on TWIC Enrollment CentersThe MSIB covers changes toment.While the implementationTSA has also provided an update TWIC escort ratios, new hire provi- date remains June 7, 2020, applicableon the impact of COVID-19 on TWIC sions, and its connection to merchantvessels and facilities will not need toenrollment centers. In its Frequently mariner credentials. This Coast Guardupdate their facility/vessel securityAsked Questions guidance document, guidance states, Under the 46 CFRplans nor install readers until theTSA encouraged anyone planning to 10.203(b), failure to hold a validrevised enforcement date of Octobervisit an enrollment center to utilize TWIC may serve as grounds for sus- 5, 2020. the Find an Enrollment Center pension or revocation of a merchantfeature at the bottom of the Home mariner credential (MMC). The CoastExtension of TWIC Expiration Dates page https://universalenroll.dhs.Guard will not pursue any suspen- Because the TWIC program isgov/locator to determine if the center sion and revocation actions based onjointly managed by the Transportationis open and its hours of operation. 36MAY 2020FOGHORN'