b'SAFETYMATTERSRegarding the interface betweenits Safety and Security Committee, ismembers during this critical time in the employees, passengers and thedesigned to assist vessel owners andindustrys history.public, it is the nature of the domesticoperators in developing proceduresI encourage all passenger vessel passenger vessel industry that thereand practices consistent with theoperators to now download the will be interaction between vessel crewmost recent directives and guidanceCoronavirus Reopening Guidelines and their passengers.allowing for the safe resumptionfor PVA Member Vessel Operators Companies should commit to aof vessel operations. The PVA stafffromwww.passengervessel.safe working environment for crew/ will continue to assist and supportcom/#resources. n employees regarding passenger interface:Reduce Cash Handling between Guests and Employees.Credit/Debit Card only at onboard POS systems. www.rigidized.com/marine.phpReduce Ticket Exchanges betweenmarine@rigidized.comGuests and Employees.Install Plexiglas barrier in front of cash registers, bar areas, etc.Companies should also look to improve communications with passen-gers and the public. The public must be assured that all necessary steps are being taken by the company to ensure passenger safety. The use of signage and public announcements to reinforce social distancing and personal hygiene requirements as well as any transitions to cashless services can be effective in reminding the public of company policies and procedures. providing durability and beauty to NYCs newest ferriesCoast Guard EngagementThe U.S. Coast Guard will not be writing CG-835s for social distanc-ing or lack of a policy addressingFull Service face coverings. According to CAPTVessel DesignMatt Edwards, Chief of the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance, theLayoutsCoast Guard is deferring to CDC andSINCE 1959, LP&A has built its reputation on designing unique vesselsStructurelocal authorities for guidelines and en- which meet our clients diverse requirements. In addition to casinoOutfittingforcement. Local Coast Guard units or inspectors should not be taking anyvessels, we also design a wide variety of vessels including dinner andMechanical systemsaction to limit passenger carriage orovernight excursion vessels, auto/passenger ferries, research vessels,HVAC systemsother areas of vessel or facility opera- container ships, tugboats, private motor yachts and specialty projects.tions.We enjoy an excellent reputation not only with shipyards, owners and Electrical systemsFinal Words operators, but also with the U.S. Coast Guard, the American Bureau ofFeasibility studiesThe domestic passenger vesselShipping, and Bureau Veritas. Stability analysisindustry consists of a wide array ofSpecificationsvessel types and operations. OwnersPhone: (904) 221-7447Fax: (904) 221-1363 and operators will need to assess the2300 Marsh Point Rd. Suite 303Concept designsimpact of applicable health and safetyNeptune Beach, FL 32266Vessel inspectionsdirectives and guidance when deter- Shipyard andmining appropriate mitigation strate- matt@laypitman.comwww.laypitman.com regulatory liaisongies. The guidance from PVA, through MAY 2020FOGHORN 35'