b'FOGHORN is a monthly publication of thePassenger Vessel Association. Copyright 2020.All rights reserved.PRESIDENTColleen Stephens, Stan Stephens Glacierand Wildlife Cruises, Valdez, AKVICE PRESIDENTBob Bijur, Island Queen Cruises, Miami, FLSECRETARY/TREASURERJim Swindler, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, San Francisco, CABOARD MEMBERS Volume 19, Number 04MAY 2020Ben Bernstein, BB Riverboats, Newport, KYRichard Davison, Paradise Cruise Ltd., Honolulu, HIJim DeSimone, Staten Island Ferry, Staten Island, NY FOGHORN Focus:Jed Dixon, North Carolina Department ofTransportationFerry Division, Manns Harbor, NC Human ResourcesSteve Jones, Gateway Clipper Fleet, Pittsburgh, PAJohn Lake, Entertainment Cruises, Alexandria, VA 6 Innovative Strategies to Improve Patrick Murphy, Blue and Gold Fleet, Workforce Recruitment and RetentionSan Francisco, CA Jed Dixon shares strategies the North Carolina public Alison Nolan, Boston Harbor Cruises, Boston, MA ferry system has implemented to identify, hire, and Hoyt Purinton, Washington Island Ferry Line, retain good employees. Washington Island, WI 12 HR in the Age of CoronavirusASSOCIATE MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE Managing employees during the global pandemic Rob McMahon, Pinnacle Marine Corporation,is challenging. Nikia Pounds answers concerns Stoddard, WI employees and employers may be asking.About the Cover PVA PAST PRESIDENTS 16 Virtual Career Fairs Making Hy-Line Cruises operates Bob Lawler, Boston Duck Tours, Boston, MA Hiring Possible year-round ferries from Gus Gaspardo, Padelford Packet Boat Company, This spring, Massachusetts Maritime AcademysCape Cod to Marthas St. Paul, MN career fair turned to technology to create a virtualVineyard and Nantucket Jeff Whitaker, Altamont, NY event for cadets and hiring companies, such as Islands. This spring the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hy-Line Cruises, to fill jobs.operation attended a virtual John R. Groundwater hiring fair to find new 19 American Queen Steamboat Companyemployees. Story, page 16. LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR Partners with Public University to OfferPhoto: Hy-Line Cruises.Edmund Welch Student InternshipsREGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANT A vessel operation is partnering with a CaliforniaColumnsPeter Lauridsen state university to create a program for students4 Presidents Letterto learn aboard vessels while getting paid and5 Executive Directors LetterDIRECTOR OF FINANCE receiving course credit.Leslie Kagarise 28CARES Act Changes Laws for PVA Industry24MarketingDIRECTOR, PUBLIC AFFAIRS Employee and Employer Individual25 Regulatory ReportAND DEVELOPMENT Retirement Accounts 28 LegalJennifer Wilk Steve Bers explains on how legislation aimed at30Legislative ReportDIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS providing relief during the COVID-19 may impact32Safety MattersAND RISK MANAGEMENT retirement accounts.36How PVA Benefits YouEric Christensen 30New Coronavirus Business Tax Provisions38Member NewsGENERAL COUNSEL May Be of Help 41 NewswireSteven Bers, Whiteford, Taylor and Preston Ed Welch explains how new legislation may benefit42 Advertisers IndexEDITORIAL OFFICES your operations tax situation.Managing Editor: Karen Rainbolt32Safety and Security Committee Develops pvafoghorn@aol.comReopening Guidelines for Domestic 2771 Houston Dr., Los Osos, CA 93402Passenger VesselsTEL: (571) 388-7752 Eric Christensen reveals the much-anticipated guideline for reopening the passenger vessel PRINTED WITHCONTRIBUTING EDITOR: industry. This is what you need to know now. SOY INKRichard Purinton: richard@wisferry.com Washington Island Ferry Line, Washington Island, WIADVERTISING AND BUSINESS OFFICES PASSENGER VESSEL ASSOCIATIONPublisher: Peter Philips, peter@philipspublishing.com tel: 1 (800) 807-8360fax: (703) 518-5151pvainfo@passengervessel.comADVERTISING SALES: FOGHORN (USPS Number 023-702) is published monthly except combined January/February by Philips Bill Forslund: bill@philipspublishing.com Publishing LLC, 4257 24th Avenue W, Seattle WA 98199. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and 4257 24th Avenue W, Seattle, WA 98199at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FOGHORN, c/o Passenger TEL: (206) 284-8285 FAX: (206) 284-0391 Vessel Association, 103 Oronoco Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. Copyright 2020 by the www.philipspublishing.com Passenger Vessel Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the Passenger Vessel Association.MAY 2020FOGHORN 3'