b'REGULATORYREPORTday shapes have not been required. Alternative communication systems and AIS can and are used, if necessary. Fifth, we suggested eliminating the requirement for flares on inland waters. Sixth, we want to establish moreAlert Notificationsflexibility to extend the five-year drydock interval. Maintenance ForecastingSeventh, we asked to change in- Implementation Support flatable buoyant apparatus service interval to biennial. Drill & Inspection IntegrationAnd, eighth, we requested to repeal Subchapter Q First Aid Kit re- Parts Recommendations quirement. It is outdated and confl ictsInventory Management with recommended fi rst aid practices.Items two through eight have notRepair Cost Reportingbeen addressed, or to our knowledge have not been evaluated to date.Key Performance Indicators 978-562-5211 x 2While we didnt get the consider- www.WheelHouseTech.comation we thought was due based on our logic and experience, our industry has benefited from some of the measures already adopted or under consideration. For example, we applaud the repeal of radar refresher training for mariners with requisite expe- INNOVATIVE. rience and the new dollar thresh-olds of casualty reporting. Many members will benefi t from electronicUNIQUE.ALL AMERICAN MARINEcharts, some from the broadening of personnel in charge of fuel transfers, and others adopting consensusPROVEN.standards in lieu of Coast Guard unique designations/standards.Our recommendation to the Coast Guard in asking for stakeholder guidance was a very good thing and not to waste the opportunities iden-tified. They have value now and in the future. They are specifi c but also expose symptoms that bear monitor-ing for future consideration.Keeping regulatory programs effective, efficient and applicable means not only new regulation but continuing rigorous elimination of the outdated, redundant, confl icted, and behind the technological and experi-ence curves. n ALLAMERICANMARINE.comBellingham, WA | 360.647.7602Sales@allamericanmarine.comPictured: Lady Swift - One of three 78 ultra low-wake, high-speed passenger ferries built for Kitsap TransitMAY 2020FOGHORN 27'