b"COAST GUARD REPORTCentralized electronic delivery process for renewal examinations:1. ATT letter issued and mailed to theLearn More! mariner by the NMC. For more from the Coast Guard Maritime Commons blog, go to 2. After receipt of the ATT letter,https://mariners.coastguard.blog/2020/04/24/national-the mariner requests the exam atmaritime-center-launches-electronic-delivery-process-for-renewal-NMCRenewalExams@uscg.mil orexaminations/by contacting the NMC Customer Contact Center. If the examination fee is not paid, a copy of the Pay.Gov fee payment receipt must be provided with the request.3. The NMC will e-mail the mariner a PDF copy of the examination module(s), a fillable answer sheet for each module, and directions for completing the process.4. The mariner completes the answerThe European World Leader, sheet for each module and returns via e-mail in accordance with theproudly serving America's nest !directions. Mariners have the option to print and mail the answer sheets inReservations, Check-In, Port Automation, ePoSaccordance with the directions.5. The NMC will receive the answer sheets, grade them, and notify the mariner of the results, including any retests or re-examinations required.6. Mariners may be approved for both an original and renewal examination on one application. They may use the new e-mail process for the renewal examination only and must schedule exams for the original at a Regional Examination Center using existing processes.If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding this new process, contact the NMC Customer Service Center by e-mailing IASKNMC@uscg.mil, or by calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662). nThis blog is not a replacement or substitute for the formal posting of regulations andWe care about your Customersupdates or existing processes for receiving formal feedback of the same. Links providedWorldwide, we serve over 33 million passengers, 5 million on this blog will direct the reader to offi cialvehicles and over a million cargo units annually.source documents, such as the Federal Register, Homeport and the Code ofFrom whale watching to fine dining and from bay crossingsFederal Regulations. These documentsto ocean voyages; Carus has the answer. remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Coast Guard. www.carus.comMAY 2020FOGHORN 23"