b'COAST GUARD REPORTNational Maritime Center Launches Electronic Delivery Process for Renewal ExaminationsPosted by CWO Kurt Fredrickson on Coast Guard Maritime Commons, April 24, 2020O n May 1, 2020, the National Maritime Center (NMC) launched a centralized electronic delivery process (via e-mail) for renewal examinations. This change provides mariners the ability to request, complete, and submit renewal examinations by e-mail and will help to maintain the fl ow of mariner credentials during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper mailings will still be available upon request.Approval to test (ATT) letters for renewal examinations issued on or after May 1, 2020, will include directions on how to obtain an electronic examination, and the process will be outlined on the NMC Examinations Page website. Mariners who received an ATT letter and have not received their examination may follow the new e-mail process. Mariners who already received a hard-copy renewal examination should complete it as directed in the previously mailed correspondence.Eachyear,thousandsofpreventablemaritime accidents are caused by operator inattention, cited twice as frequently as the next leading factor. The Furuno BR500 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) helps to prevent these accidents.Scan this code with your smart phone for a Guided Tour of the BR500.www.FurunoUSA.com22MAY 2020FOGHORN'