b'FOGHORNFOCUS: HUMAN RESOURCESship and apprenticeship programs withwe had more than 100 job seekers comethe COVID-19 pandemic. As a state-run the North Carolina community collegeout to learn about jobs at the ferryferry deemed an essential service by the system as well as Dare County, NCsystem. Nearly half of the attendeesGovernor, we will continue to operate public schools.fi lled out job applications. One reasonalthough the number of visitors will Not only do partnerships like thesewe believe this recruiting event waslikely be down this summer, so the support the ferry system, they aidso successful is that we had currentnumber of seasonal workers may also students looking for long-term, stableferry system employees for each jobbe reduced. However, with the use jobs.type available onsite for applicantsof these innovative strategies, we an-to talk to about the organization, jobticipate that in the years ahead we will Increased Recruitment Marketingduties, career paths, and more. We alsohave a top-notch group of people in Social media is ubiquitous in nearlyattended job fairs at other educationalplace to ensure that the North Carolina all aspects of our lives, including re- institutions along the coast. Ferry System continues to serve our cruiting applicants for available jobs.This year, everything is different forcustomers and communities safely and We utilize social media channels, suchmany passenger vessel operators due toeffi ciently. nas LinkedIn, to post job openings to increase visibility of employment op-portunities. Posting jobs only on our website means that we could missingAbout the Author qualified applicants because if theyJed Dixon has worked for the NCDOT Ferry for more than 16 dont think to look on our website,years, serving in a variety of capacities. As the Deputy Director theyll miss our vacant positions. Byhe is in charge of all operations and maintenance for the division, using social media, we can effectivelywhich includes budgeting, liasons with regulatory and law expand our recruitment efforts for littleenforcement agencies. He has a degree from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and holds a 1600 ton Ocean Master License cost.and a 2nd Mate Unlimited tonnage Ocean License.Social media also works well for promoting our career fairs. Last spring, YOU DONT WORRYwestmarinepro.comwestmarinepro.comYour 24/7 destination thats packed with the featuresABOUT KEEPINGyYour 2ee4d t/7 do gesett tinahe mtion toshat outs pat of yckoued wr timith te ahne fd meaotunreeys .ou nYOUR COOL you need to get the most out of your time and money.UNTIL YOU LOSE IT. FastIncreasedStreamlinedQuick OrderPage Loads Inventory Availability CheckoutFastIncreasedStreamlined Page Loads Inventory Availability Checkout Quick OrderMultiple Improved Easy Requisition Account Sign-Ons Search Invoice Look-up Lists Multiple Improved Easy Requisition Account Sign-Ons Search Invoice Look-up Lists All backed by the power of West Marine Pro.All backed by the power of West Marine Pro. Over 135,000 products for your businessGet it. Never lose it.Ove 2r 18 r35e,0g0io0 pnal drodisuctribts futoior yn couenr bteurssinessExpect peak cooling efficiency. Sa 2me8 r-deagy vionan dal deislitvreibruty 2ion c5en0+ stertsores Expect trusted dependability. GRIDCOOLER T ameo-sdt-aky vnoan dwledeglievaebry 2le and s50+ seasotornees d She mKeel Cooler WEKA Tshae mleso rsetp-krensoewlnetadtigveeasb inle an the d sindeuassotrynedExpect expert support. BoxcoolerR.W. Fernstrum Cooling Solutions. sales representatives in the industry1-800-621-6885 or visit westmarinepro.com.fernstrum.com| 906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.com 1-800-621-6885 or visit westmarinepro.com.R.W. Fernstrum & Company is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company10MAY 2020FOGHORN'