b'NEWSWIREPVA Urges EPA toHawaiian PVA Members: Apply Now for Seats Grant More Flexibilityon National Marine Sanctuary Advisory CommitteeRegarding Engines forPVA members in Hawaii may wish to apply for membership on the Smaller High-SpeedSanctuary Advisory Committee of the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Passenger Vessels National Marine Sanctuary. The deadline to apply is December 17 of this year. Among the categories of members being sought are: Ocean Recreation On October 21, PVA submitted(primary); Tourism (alternate); and Whale Watching (primary and alternate). comments to the U.S. EnvironmentalMore information about the Sanctuary Advisory Committee and the application Protection Agency (EPA) on itsprocess can be viewed at https://hawaiihumpbackwhale.noaa.gov/council/proposed rule entitled Marine Dieselcouncil_app_accepting.html. nEngine Emission Standards (Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0638), as published in the Federal Register ofCoast Guard Continues to Police Noncompliant September 6, 2019. Vessel OperationsEPAs purpose in proposingIn early October, the U.S. Coast Guard terminated the voyage of a 48-foot the rule was to provide temporaryuninspected passenger vessel with eight passengers for hire aboard in the relief for some vessel operatorsvicinity of San Carlos Bay, FL. Coast Guard Station Fort Myers Beach responded (lobster fi shermen in Maine, harborwith law enforcement and investigating offi cers and discovered the vessel was pilots in Savannah) from having tooperating a commercial passenger service but was not in compliance with install Tier 4 engines in newly con- multiple regulations governing uninspected passenger vessels. structed vessels. EPA acknowledgedViolations included carrying more than six passengers, not having a valid that no suitable Tier 4 engines areCertifi cate of Inspection, failure to have a drug and alcohol program, and not yet available for these specializedhaving a valid stability letter. vessels. The Coast Guard will continue to aggressively pursue vessel operators who PVA told EPA that the agencysneedlessly place the lives of patrons at risk by not complying with Coast Guard existing Tier 4 marine engine require- passenger vessel regulations, said Mr. Brian Knapp, senior investigating offi cer ment has effectively shut downat Coast Guard Sector Saint Petersburg. We urge anyone paying for a trip on U.S. construction of new smallera passenger vessel to ask to see the Merchant Mariner Credential of the vessel high-speed catamaran passengeroperator to verify their captain is properly credentialed by the Coast Guard. If vessels. Existing certified Tier 4the operator cannot produce a Merchant Mariner Credential, dont get on the engines are simply not available orboat. nfeasible for installation in in these particular passenger vessels, nor are they likely to be anytime soon. Thus, smaller high-speed catamaran passenger vessels face the same challenges regarding Tier 4 engines as do Maine lobster boats and the Savannah pilots. If EPAs proposed rule were to be extended to them, operators of high-speed passenger catamaran vessels would likely eitherENGINEERING SERVICESbuild new vessels with Tier 3 engines or repower their existing vessels by taking out the older engines with poor emissions performance and replacing them with cleaner Tier 3 engines. Thus, allowing this optionGOVERNMENT AND PROJECTwould produce an environmentalMILITARY SERVICES SERVICESupgrade over continuation of the status quo.For more information, includingTo bring Crowley on board for your next project, contact us at 206.332.8090 or PVAs comments, see the October 25visit our website at crowley.com.PVA Member Update. nOCTOBER 2019FOGHORN 39'